Freeway Blogger makes a blue gal feel good.
"I'm quite certain that since the very day Al Gore invented the Internet, people all over the United States have been getting online to share information about politics, corporations and even organizing boycotts. ...At BuyBlue.org we are making a list and checking it twice, we know who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. If you want to send a message that you’ve had enough and you want your country back, that you want to be heard; I urge you to check out the list and make appropriate purchases. Make this year a Blue Christmas!"
From the Slate article linked above...
the people who buy its coffee don't just need coffee, they need Starbucks coffee, which packs a higher caffeine punch than many competitors. [Note] the scary finding that a 16-ounce Starbucks grande has nearly three times as much caffeine as a No-Doz.
Sorry kids, I created no links above for strippers, Paris Hilton, or Bill O'Reilly's loofah/felafel fetish. You'll just have to Google those for yourself.If anyone is laughing all the way to the bank this election year, it must be the undisputed king of the red cultural elite, Rupert Murdoch. Fox News is a rising profit center within his News Corporation, and each red-state dollar that it makes can be plowed back into the rest of Fox's very blue entertainment portfolio. The Murdoch cultural stable includes recent books like Jenna Jameson's "How to Make Love Like a Porn Star" and the Vivid Girls' "How to Have a XXX Sex Life," which have both been synergistically, even joyously, promoted on Fox News by willing hosts like Rita Cosby and, needless to say, Mr. O'Reilly. There are "real fun parts and exciting parts," said Ms. Cosby to Ms. Jameson on Fox News's "Big Story Weekend," an encounter broadcast on Saturday at 9 p.m., assuring its maximum exposure to unsupervised kids.
Almost unnoticed in the final weeks of the campaign was the record government indecency fine levied against another prime-time Fox television product, "Married by America." The $1.2 million bill, a mere bagatelle to Murdoch stockholders, was more than twice the punishment inflicted on Viacom for Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction." According to the F.C.C. complaint, one episode in this heterosexual marriage-promoting reality show included scenes in which "partygoers lick whipped cream from strippers' bodies," and two female strippers "playfully spank" a man on all fours in his underwear. "Married by America" is gone now, but Fox remains the go-to network for Paris Hilton ("The Simple Life") and wife-swapping ("Trading Spouses: Meet Your New Mommy").
None of this has prompted an uprising from the red-state Fox News loyalists supposedly so preoccupied with "moral values." They all gladly contribute fungible dollars to Fox culture by boosting their fair-and-balanced channel's rise in the ratings. Some of these red staters may want to make love like porn stars besides. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) An ABC News poll two weeks before the election found that more Republicans than Democrats enjoy sex "a great deal." The Democrats' new hero, Illinois Senator-elect Barack Obama, was assured victory once his original, ostentatiously pious Republican opponent, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race rather than defend his taste for "avant-garde" sex clubs.
This psychadelic image is from three cartographers at the University of Michigan. It shows red and blue counties resized by population. This is supposed to make the country look more blue than the standard electoral map, but it's a silly exercise: the electoral college already "resizes" the states proportionally and what do counties really have to do with it? Tom Delay has proven that counties don't even count when it comes to redistricting.
Rather than comfort ourselves with maps or calls for secession of the blue states, or even banning the electoral college, we need to watch for those working on that permanent Republican majority and fight them at every turn.
Joke for today, from "You know if you're a Republican/Democrat": You know you're a Republican if...you can't stand your gay uncle, but you invite him to your son's wedding because he's rich. You know you're a Democrat if...you can't stand your rich uncle, but you invite him to your daughter's graduation because he's gay.
Thanks, Vicky, for the map link.
"Pray for common ground with your political opponents, then walk on that fertile soil. Too many important political issues in America today are polarized, and the inevitable result is paralysis. Jim Forest visited my class at the University of San Francisco this past week and shared with the students a profound insight: "The opposite of love is not hate, but fear." We fear sliding down a slope from the height of our own self-right-ness. We fear our adversary. We fear losing control. And we cease to love."