Friday, April 26

Ep 177 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 177 Why is Newt Gingrich on our Tee Vee?

April 25, 2013

We discuss the troll-i-tude of Jennifer Rubin, why Newt Gingrich might get his own show on CNN, and keep the podcast Rand Paul free for one week. Also, science fiction quiz after the music (help us name that segment!) More at

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We Are Respectable Negroes:  Jennifer Rubin, slash fiction for conservatives

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Friday, April 19

Ep 176 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 176 Is it 1968 all over again?

April 18, 2013

We wonder aloud if this awful week means deep change in the political zeitgeist. Also, a lot of politics, a little bit of knitting, and after the music, stump the science fiction stump!

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Link for this episode: Want to make a difference? Do check to make sure you are an organ donor.

Wednesday, April 17

Win a lifetime supply of #yarn? Define, please.

Really, if you're having a contest to "win a lifetime supply of yarn" you have to define your terms.

What kind of yarn?

What's a lifetime?

How much yarn is enough?

Who am I kidding?

I would enter this contest no matter what.  If it's acrylic yarn, I would share it with my charity knitter friends, and all of us would make beautiful things for cancer patients and the newly widowed and also babies and African AIDS orphans, because That Is What We Do.  And no matter how "much" yarn it is, I am obviously a member of the SABLE club, (Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy) so no problemo on that front, either.

It turns out the contest winner will get one $480.00 gift certificate to one of the big online yarn stores each year for 20 years.

I can live with that.  :D

Friday, April 12

Ep 175 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 175 Rand Paul’s White-splaining Jamboree and Other Outreach

April 11, 2013

The difference between racism and white supremacy is, white supremacists "don't see color." More at

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Friday, April 5

Ep 174 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 174 Gay Marriage, Mark Sanford, and A Social Security... Bluff?

April 04, 2013

Republicans lose their mind over gay marriage, but re-nominate marriage buster Mark Sanford. And we’re busted up over whatever it is Obama is doing with his budget thing. WTF, Mister P? More at

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Links for this episode

Matt Taibbi on David Brooks

Dan Savage’s book The Committment:  Love, Sex, and My Family

NY Times:  China’s State-Sponsored Amnesia

Alex Pareene - The Mark Penn Test

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