Frank Frank - (Man in the High Castle) (Philip K. Dick)
Case - (Neuromancer) (William Gibson)
Gulliver Foyle (The Stars My Destination) (Alfred Bester) Cirocco Jones (Titan) (John Varley)
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Louie Gohmert compares guns and murder to spoons and obesity. Also, news of the week and Science Fiction University. More at
Another Breaking Bad podcast will be up later this afternoon.
The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the Professional Left Podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!
We agree with Digby that it's time to end the Obama as multi-level chess master myth, but also end the Dronemaster McWorseThanBush myth, too. Also, what does it look like when we're all asked to be entrepreneurs and we're all broke? (bonus Breaking Bad Podcast will follow). More at
The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the Professional Left Podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!
Analogies with Syria, and in Science Fiction University, the future as mostly correctly predicted by Isaac Asimov. More at