Friday, November 29

Ep 208 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 208 Thanksgiving and Media Double Standards

November 28, 2013

Firing Alec Baldwin might have been the right thing, but what about other media mess ups? And some of your Thanksgiving letters (more of those next week).

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Friday, November 22

Ep 207 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 207 We Don't Negotiate With Terrorists

November 21, 2013

The JFK and Gettysburg anniversaries yield some dangerous and nasty rhetoric on the right. Why we DON"T want Elizabeth Warren for President, and DG's thoughts on employment. More at

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Friday, November 15

Ep 206 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 206 - If you like your hurricane death toll, you can keep it!

November 14, 2013

The mainstream media compares the Obamacare rollout to Hurricane Katrina. No, really. More at

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Friday, November 8

Ep 205 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 205 Where are the White Women At? The Voting Booth.

November 07, 2013

Do Virginia gubernatorial results and angry Texas voters point out that we are entering another suffragette-driven Progressive Era? More at

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Friday, November 1

Ep 204 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 204 The Perfect IOKIYAR Moment

October 31, 2013

Rand Paul provides a perfect instance of IOKIYAR. Also JP Morgan Chase spends your food stamp money on lobbying. More at

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