Friday, January 30

Ep 269 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 269 Buh Bye Andrew Sullivan

January 29, 2015

Andrew Sullivan quits blogging!?! Is Driftglass the last holdout on the single shingle blogging platform? Also, what YouTubers in the White House says about the mainstream media, and Sheldon Whitehouse hits one out of the park. More at

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Links for this episode:

Arthur Chu:  Welcome to the Internet, Jonathan Chait
Hank Green:  Holy Shit, I Interviewed the President
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse delivers an ancient history lesson to Fox News Soundbiters.
Spoiler Alert:  Background Link for Science Fiction University.

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Friday, January 23

Ep 268 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 268 The Honesty Episode

January 22, 2015

We discuss The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, and how "keeping it 100" is a great idea for the whole political / media populace. State of the Union response fails, why Obama can keep talking like it's 2009, and more at

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Links for this episode:

Driftglass on Lindsay Graham

LA Times on Larry Wilmore's new version of "Truthiness"
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Friday, January 16

Ep 267 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 267 The 5th Anniversary Show

January 15, 2015

Same as it ever was? Driftglass and Blue Gal talk about how little has changed in right wing media since 2010. More at

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Link for this episode:

Wil Wheaton:  That Time the Stupidsphere Showed Up

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Saturday, January 10

GOP 2016 Quiz (not really)

But can my readers/listeners figure this one out? A one question GOP quiz:

Fill in the blank:

"What a lying tool ______________________ is."

  1. Jeb Bush 
  2. Rand Paul 
  3. Mike Huckabee 
  4. Mitt Romney 
  5. Ben Carson 
  6. Ted Cruz
  7. Chris Christie

 Tough one, isn't it?

Friday, January 9

Ep 266 The Professional Left Podcast

Via a betrayed conservative's Facebook page
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 266 Betrayed Conservatives and Charlie Hebdo

January 08, 2015

Conservatives feel betrayed by the election of John Boehner? Charlie Hebdo, Bible Bitch, and theocracy. We forgot to fix poverty, and Lindsey Graham should talk. More at

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Links for this episode:

In These Times:  We Forgot to End Poverty
Hullabaloo:  What Third Party are you working for?
John Fugelsang to host a show on Sirius XM.
Sam Brownback's Lieutenant Governor has weird (and possibly illegal) ideas about cash management.

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Friday, January 2

Ep 265 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 265 Social Media is a Baby (New Year)

January 01, 2015

GOP White Supremacy, Chuck Todd gives away the secret, Social Media is new, Bible Bitch reading the Bible in a Year, Christianists not good Christians or good Americans. More at

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