Friday, October 30

Ep 308 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 308 Marco Lies, Jeb Dies!

October 29, 2015

GOP Debate Re-Cap, Happy Birthday Driftglass, Halloween Sci Fi University! More at

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Driftglass live blogs the GOP debate.

President Elect Obama leads on economy while President Bush checks out.
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Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband.

Here's the mooshy song I promised you. xoxoxo

I love you so much.

If you wish to send best wishes (three dollars!), visit his place.

Friday, October 23

Ep 307 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 307 Reality Bites

October 22, 2015

Reality bites the Benghazi Committee, Jeb! Bush and the brother who kept us safe, and Paul Ryan's Work-Life Balance. Note: this podcast was recorded Friday morning and is released with less polishing than usual. Audio glitches are the fault of the producers. :D

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Friday, October 16

Ep 306 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 306 David Brooks, Dem Debate, and Sully

October 15, 2015

Did David Brooks go full Driftglass? Not exactly. The democrats debated each other the way both sides (oops) should debate. And Andrew Sullivan marked his place in the political pundit litterbox. More at

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Driftglass on how David Brooks goes partial Driftglass?

Rush Limbaugh longs for the day of Depression-Era suffering..

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Friday, October 9

Ep 305 The Professional Left Podcast

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The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 305 No, Really, Both Sides Don't!

October 08, 2015

The collapse of the House Republicans, but will the Beltway press notice? Our guess is this week will be an orgy of both siderism and false equivalence. More at

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Chris Mathews can’t help himself with both siderism.

Eric Bohlert and Brad Delong take down a Wapo reporter who Pretends Amnesia.

Charlie Pierce notes some people have been warning you….

Al Hunt:  Can Republicans Regain Control of their Party?  

Michele Bachmann predicted “nothing but hearings” from a Republican Congress

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Friday, October 2

Ep 304 The Professional Left Podcast

The "real" Fiorina PP video

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 304 Benghazi Baby Parts All A GOP Hoax

October 01, 2015

Boehner, Planned Parenthood, and some corporate media whores walk into our podcast.... More at

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The Fournier/Cillizza Both Siderist TurDuckEn

Gingrich + Boehner - History =  "This Week..."

The presumptive House Speaker is an even bigger meathead than we thought.

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