Friday, December 25

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Ep 316 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 316 Don't Say the R Word

December 24, 2015

The real word cable news analysts won't discuss when explaining Trump is "Republican." Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and may a wonderful 2016 lie ahead! More at

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Sarah Palin’s word salad of the week.

Fox’s Greg Gutfield actually remembers what happened six months ago

And Driftglass covers the lightning round:

David Frum

Science Fiction University: Dalek Dress for baby!

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Friday, December 18

Ep 315 The Professional Left Podcast

Tengrain's new name for Donald Trump. 

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 315 -Trump and the Poop Emoji. Also Star Wars.

December 17, 2015

No spoilers! DG takes the boys to see Star Wars; Wapo scolds those who want to block Donald Trump supporters on Facebook, and Blue Gal asks if Hugh Hewitt can moderate a debate, why not Driftglass? Science Fiction University includes reviews of Childhood’s End and Expanse on the Syfy Network. More at

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Links for this Episode:  

Wapo tells us Trump blocking “is just another example of how we isolate ourselves online”

Thom Edsall article “Can This Really Be Donald Trump’s Republican Party?”

Philip Klein (Washington Examiner)  "A Trump win would validate liberals' caricature of Republicans

Bible Bitch:  John Greenleaf Whittier “Dear Lord and Father”
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Friday, December 11

Ep 314 The Professional Left Podcast

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The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 314 Fascism in the Political Spin Cycle

December 10, 2015

We discuss how "special" the South Carolina Republican Party is, and the shocking news that Liberals were right all along. But since Money is the only speech, we never get to hear about that. More at

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Links for this episode…

New Republic - Liberals were right all along.

NY Times Editorial:  The Trump Effect, and How It Spreads   

On the Media on fact check and lying (Rick Perlstein)

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Monday, December 7

Friday, December 4

Ep 313 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 313 Shooting, Prayer Shaming, and Chicago

December 03, 2015

The shootings at San Bernadino and the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic. Bible Bitch notes that the media's claim of "prayer shaming" is bunk (she didn't say bunk) and Driftglass talks about Rahm not being Daley (just being Daley) is again his main problem. More at

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Links for this episode…

Think Progress:  What the gun lobby learned from the tobacco settlement.

Blue Gal on the Virgin Mary and Planned Parenthood.

“Prayer Shaming” BS in Wapo and The Atlantic

Charlie Pierce on Michael Dukakis

The Article in Vox that you must read.

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Happy Zappadan 2015

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Frank Zappa died December 4 (the night now known as BummerNacht), and was born (earlier, they tell me) on December 21, Day Zero of Zappadan.

Too many years ago to count accurately, the blog known as The Aristocrats declared that December 4 through 21 should henceforth be known as Zappadan: the days of the year between death and birth, that ethereal time when there was no Frank, so we must celebrate him to keep his spirit safe until his birthday again.

Or it's just a great excuse for a party that has nothing to do with the greed and debt festival known as Christmas in America. In any event, it's a labor of love with the hope that Frank would be proud.

"Some people say" that the Miracles of Zappadan stuff is a buncha hooey, but I disagree. During the first Zappadan in 2006, John Bolton resigned. Then the year after that, Sandy Underpants went to the registry of motor vehicles during Zappadan and got a new license plate with no lines, no waiting, and free donuts.  All I can say is, it's Zappadan - Expect Miracles.

Many blessings to you on BummerNacht and throughout the celebration. And if you're not into Zappa, The Onion has some words for you.