Friday, February 28

Ep 535 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 535 Giving Up Worrying About Democrats for Lent

February 28, 2020

No matter what we say this week about the Democratic Primaries, South Carolina and Super Tuesday is destined to change the dynamic of the race.  Wait, Supreme Court wife Ginny Thomas did what?  Driftglass returns to his familiar hunting ground of the David Brooks beat.  We're reminded that Tom Friedman also has a job.  The CBS Democratic Debate was a sh*tshow, and everyone rightly blames the network and the moderators.  How DARE they sell an ad to Bloomberg?  More at  

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Friday, February 21

Ep 534 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 534 Overcoming Primary Season Despair

February 21, 2020

Trump takes away a talking point from Illinois Republicans?  They thought he was their friend!  And we spend the rest of the podcast talking about how many people (even the two of us, sometimes!) fantasize about moving to Costa Rica if Trump is re-elected.  More at  

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Friday, February 14

Ep 533 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 533 No Justice Department, No Peace

February 14, 2020

Please note:   Due to our country now being a fascist state, there are a few more Eff bombs in this episode than usual.  Blue Gal has some advice for Mayor Bloomberg (and asks him to send her ten grand for it, same as in town).  Driftglass considers going full purity troll for cash and prizes.  And we discuss the unhealed wounds of past Republican failures and what we must do to heal.  More at  

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Friday, February 7

Ep 532 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 532 Jury Intimidation Worked for Trump

February 07, 2020

The impeachment vote went pretty much as expected.  Mitt Romney is not in the liberal canon of saints, but he did a good.  And Nancy Pelosi did exactly right at SOTU.  More at 

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