Thursday, November 30

Ep 760 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 760 | Beating Republicans At Their Own Game

November 30, 2023

Joe Biden goes to Lauren Boebert's district and Hunter Biden offers to testify on camera?  BANG!  Plus more of the week's news, media, and politics.  More at

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Tuesday, November 28

Science Fiction University: Labor Relations and 'The Icicle Works'

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The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Science Fiction University | Ep 21: Labor Relations

November 28, 2023

We discuss the very political "The Day The Icicle Works Closed" by Frederick Pohl, and also why science fiction often doesn't age well.  More at

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Wednesday, November 22

Ep 759 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 759 Thinking the Unthinkable

November 22, 2023

An unscripted and unrehearsed conversation, recorded at our dining room table on an iPhone.  Driftglass:  "Tuesday night I was feeling a little doomed, and my wife asked me what was wrong and I told her that at that moment I was doing some serious thinking about what to do in 2024 if Trump won.  And that thinking about the unthinkable was depressing the hell out of me.

So we talked about it.  And then she took out her phone and said that she bet that other people were feeling the same thing too but didn’t want to demoralize our side, and were maybe keeping it to themselves. And maybe we should just record our conversation, and that would be our podcast for this week."

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Thursday, November 16

Ep 758 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 758: Congress Gets Punchy

November 16, 2023

A bad week for testosterone in the halls of Congress - Why are men so emotional?  Candace Owens rediscovers her Bible, and Ben Shapiro says she should quit over it?  Yes, Trump is Hitler after all.  And the Sulzberger family newspaper continues to normalize that.  What is bothering Brit Hume these days?  The answer won't surprise you.  This and other news of the week.  More at

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Tuesday, November 14

Ep 757: No Fair Remembering Stuff: Chicago, Daley, and The Parking Meters

Photo by Josh Newton on Unsplash
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 757: No Fair Remembering Stuff, Chicago, Daley, and Parking Meters.

November 14, 2023

We remember the two Mayor Daley's of Chicago, and the younger Daley's selling off of public facilities like the parking meters to keep "his" city going.  It's great urban history.  More at  

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Clip of "Lovely Rita" by The Moon Loungers:

Opening and Closing Music:
Jumpin Boogie Woogie by Audionautix ||

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Thursday, November 9

Ep 756 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 756 Dems Win and GOP 'Debates'

November 09, 2023

Driftglass watches the whole Republican debate and lives to tell the tale.  And we celebrate big wins for Democrats in this year's elections.  Remember how this feels next year and VOTE!  More at 

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Tuesday, November 7

Ep 755 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 755 No Fair Remembering End Times

November 07, 2023

A somewhat deep dive into the Book of Revelation?  Don't worry; we also include connections to John Wick/Keanu Reeves as Jesus.  But seriously, folks, these end times Republicans are deeply committed to the end of the world and think war in Israel is just the ticket to them going to Heaven and the rest of us going ...elsewhere.   And don't get us started about protecting the environment here on Earth.  More at

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Opening and Closing Music:
Jumpin Boogie Woogie by Audionautix ||

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Thursday, November 2

Ep 754 The Professional Left Podcast


The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 754: Go Unions! And Related News

November 02, 2023

We celebrate with the UAW and explore some related stories you may have missed.  And we love the ACA but have a sticker shock for 2024.   

Driftglass and Blue Gal also appeared this week on The Bill Show from Australia.  Listen Here.

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It's my 19th Blogiversary

I usually forget, but this year I finally added it to Google Calendar.

Nineteen years is a long time!  I'm so grateful for the friendships this blog has brought to my life, the best of which by far is my wonderful husband. 

Thank you, readers and listeners, for your friendship and support of our podcast work. 

This week we learned that our health insurance premium will increase by $400 a month and will for the first time be more than our mortgage payment. Turns out your early 60's are spent scrimping to avoid spending retirement savings on current health care? When did that happen? 

We live in a small house and drive a twelve-year-old car.  We definitely know how to scrimp.

And we'll be using "Go Fund Me Supplemental Insurance" next year -- watch this space! 

 Support our work here or at Patreon.   And thank you!