This week on the Science Fiction University Podcast, we go back to the classics by examining the 1951 sci-fi film "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and its source material - the 1940 short story "Farewell to the Master" by Harry Bates.
We analyze how the Cold War-era film adapted and expanded upon the original story's premise of a human-like alien arriving on Earth with a terrifying robot enforcer to deliver an ultimatum to humanity. From the iconic performances to the still-relevant themes of anti-militarism and nuclear disarmament.
It’s a lively discussion delving into the origins of one of sci-fi's most beloved tales of First Contact gone awry. Tune in for all the historical context, literary analysis, and fresh takes on a true classic from the golden age of sci-fi cinema and prose.
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Ep 799 Science Fiction University: 1940 Vs 1951
We look at a 1940's short story and the 1951 movie that was kinda sorta based on that story.
And yes, "The Day The Earth Stood Still" has definitely stood the test of time.
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