Wednesday, February 27

Jon Stewart for Code Pink?

Apparently, yes, and good for him.**  I signed, and encourage you to as well.

But also apparently Stewart was TOO BUSY to pose in a code pink long sleeve shirt?

**Especially since he's not hijacking a blog comment thread to do it.  :D

We interrupt this blog for COOKIES. Girl Scout COOKIES.

If you're interested in buying Girl Scout Cookies from the middle child online, email me at
Subject line:  Girl Scout Cookies.

I'll send you an invitation to do just that.  Then we will give you information to send payment to us and her troop will fulfill the order.

You can also find a troop in your area with the Find Cookies! search engine at the top of this page.

Thin Mints and Thanks-a-lots (shortbread with chocolate on the bottom) are vegan.   All of them are Kosher Dairy.

Monday, February 25

I didn't even watch the Oscars (tm) but I'm a fashion psychic

I saw a pic of Heidi Klum with her boobs hanging out (it would have been okay if Seth MacFarlane had sung "Hey Heidi, just Heidi, we SEE your boobs.")  Anyway I photo-shopped some better-looking lack-of-cleavage for her on Tumblr.

Then I see Michelle Obama fixed the dress already and it looks better in silver, too. 

Friday, February 22

Ep 168 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 168 The Drone Letters

February 21, 2013

We read four letters from listeners regarding Barack Obama and the drone strikes. Driftglass admits he's not mad at fellow liberals, just blog thread hijackers. More at

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Links for this episode:

The Verge: Romancing the drone: how America's flying robots are invading pop culture

Joan Walsh in Salon: Targeted Killings: Okay If Obama Does It?

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Friday, February 15

Ep 167 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 167 SOTU and The Republican Savior

February 14, 2013

The State of the Union, the thirsty senator, and the future of liberal broadcasting. More at

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Friday, February 8

Ep 166 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 166 Same as it ever was: Rebranding the GOP and Distrusting the CIA

February 07, 2013

More at

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Happy Friday, ma hunnies.

Tuesday, February 5

Tony Perkins helps me write to the Boy Scouts

Thanks so much to my Facebook pal BB for forwarding me a Boy Scout alert email from Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council.  Tony had composed an email for me to send to the Boy Scouts about remaining homophobic for Jesus and America.  I edited it and sent it anyway.  Here's my version:

Dear Boy Scout Council of America: 
Thank you for making the Boy Scouts of America an organization with the conviction, honor, and character that serves as a model for every American. 
As you're aware, a new proposal indicates that the Boy Scouts of America may finally overcome decades of homophobia by accepting scouts and leaders WITHOUT REGARD for sexual orientation 
I have intentionally steered my (straight, but so what?) son from joining Boy Scouts because of your previous lack of regard for the rights of those who do not meet up to some narrow standard of  "manhood."  I consider bigotry against LGBT people to be un-American and inhuman.   
My daughters are both in Girl Scouts, and you'd better believe they love their lesbian camp counselors as much as their straight ones.  You know, the one who won't cook unless it's grillin' outdoors?   Nickname Jimmie?  She's a cute one. 
But I digress.  Do not let bullies from the American Family Council or other pseudo-Christian LOBBYING organizations stop the progress this organization can make.   There is no straight sex badge in scouting.   BECAUSE SCOUTING IS NOT ABOUT SEX. 
Anyone who tells you otherwise is a total pervert.  Therefore, I'd watch out for that Tony Perkins dude around the young ones. 
Thank you, and God bless you.

Friday, February 1

Ep 165 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 165 John McCain Wants More Iraq Wars, Please!

January 31, 2013

John McCain's grumpy again. Also, how we "left-wing social engineer" REAL family values. Hint: It does not involve closing abortion clinics or US factories. More at

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Links for this episode:

Free Birth Control Cuts Abortion Rate Dramatically

Jorge Luis Borges, Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius

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