Friday, July 25

Ep 242 The Professional Left Podcast

via Cognitive Dissident
OOPS: Please note: There's an extra fifteen minutes of empty air at the END of this week's podcast. Technical error, does not affect the whole show, but when we say goodbye at around 1:15 it's over! Thanks.
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 242 Dear Abby (Huntsman)

July 24, 2014

OOPS: Please note: There's an extra fifteen minutes of empty air at the END of this week's podcast. Technical error, does not affect the whole show, but when we say goodbye at around 1:15 it's over! Thanks. We are temporarily devastated by the latest ACA ruling. And leave it to a Republican from Michigan to "forget" she has 3 million dollars in the bank. Abby Huntsman forgets about "do no harm" when it comes to foreign policy, MSNBC can't handle the Gaza heat, and the only thing that matters about Netroots Nation is who wasn't there? (Hillary Clinton and yours truly.) More at

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Links for this episode:

Texas Republican State Senator argues for compassion for REFUGEES at the border -- Town Hall attendee insists that he represent THEM not the refugees.  

Terry Lynn Land, Republican party candidate for Senate in Michigan, “forgot” she had 3 million dollars in the bank.

CSpan Caller Barfs Up Fox News Talking Points

Marc Maron’s IFC episode about podcasting.  (full episode available online)

Answer Me Jesus “magic 8 ball” toy.  Yarn made from Indian saris.  

X Minus One on the Internet Archive (listen online)

Link to Science Fiction University Answers:

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Friday, July 18

Ep 241 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 241 Love More For Every Hate

July 17, 2014

It's been a tough week. Refugees from Central America, war in Gaza, and the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines 17 -- not to mention the stupidity of Congress (for instance Louie. Gohmert.) and the culpability of the media (David Gregory talking about "The Obama Economy." Really.) How do we keep positive and still fight what is wrong? More at

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Wednesday, July 16

My Birthday

 h/t Bill L. on Facebook. Video by Franklin Habit, from whom I took a knitting class LAST year. He's awesome.

PS THANK YOU for all the kind birthday wishes. Driftglass is giving me a trip to Stitches Midwest next month as my present. The market has over 200 yarn vendors. And no rollerskates. :D

Friday, July 11

Ep 240 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 240 Where's the Pro-Choice Conga Line?

July 10, 2014

Blue Gal gets an invitation to a "women's event" by her Republican Congressman. Will hilarity ensue? And Science Fiction University looks at Golden Age Authors and religion. More at

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Friday, July 4

Ep 239 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 239 Stop "Harvesting" Voters

July 03, 2014

A listener takes us to task on the issue of White Privilege, and we talk Thad Cochran, Hobby Lobby, and Murietta California's Ugly Americans. More at (Please note that Science Fiction University and Bible B*tch are off for the holiday).

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