Friday, August 29

Ep 247 The Best Of The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 247 The Best Of Show

August 28, 2014

After a ten minute intro, and before a current internet kitty and Science Fiction University, we broadcast a selection of "best of" clips, curated by our listener Scott. We hope you enjoy it! More at

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This week's Science Fiction University questions (a link to the answers appears on the page)

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Friday, August 22

Ep 246 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 246 Megan McCardle Blames The Tea Party On Obamacare?

August 21, 2014

A really awful example of the David Brooks School of Writing; Blue Gal takes on fellow White "bubble dwellers" on Facebook; a New Jersey listener is tired of The American Swastika; and after a Science Fiction University lightning round, a visit from the DG/BG dependants (who are up past their bedtime). More at

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David Brooks denies Christ  denies he’s a Republican and segregates himself from most conservatives.  

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Tuesday, August 19

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband.

 The other day we agreed that while we certainly could have predicted "lasting" three whole years, neither of us expected to still be this blissed out. Happy Anniversary, darling.

Friday, August 15

Ep 245 The Professional Left Podcast

"I guess Stalin is dead."

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 245 Ferguson and Chuck Gregory's Very Bad Product

August 14, 2014

We discuss Sarah Palin, Ferguson, the "loss" of David Gregory for Chuck Todd? and why Fox News is ready to show us some Pandas. After the music, Bible Bitch deals with a sad news week. More at

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Cal Lash on militarization of police forces, 2008.  

Daily Kos:  Michael Brown's School

HuffPo  what can white people do?

Boycott Staples

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Friday, August 8

Ep 244 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 244 Executive (dis)Function

August 07, 2014

Back to school! And what about Congressional Fail? Or is the fail deliberate? Plus Science Fiction University takes on Time Travel. More at

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More information on executive function.

Charlie Pierce on the shellshocked Presidency.

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Friday, August 1

Ep 243 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 243 Who Gets To Be Alpha Teabagger?

July 31, 2014

Ted Cruz takes over the Republican House; Chuck Todd goes all Both Sides; No Labels is outed as an ineffectual vanity project; plus Bible Bitch and Science Fiction University. More at

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Links for this episode:

No Labels?  No Results?  No problem.

Wonkette:  Homophones? 

From Science Fiction University:  interview with Larry Santoro on Sofanauts

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the Professional Left Podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!