Friday, December 26

Ep 264 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 264 Intro to 'Both Sides Don't'

December 25, 2014

We discuss both-siderism and give examples. Plus a special science fiction university where YOU get to answer the trivia questions! More at

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Solyndra program nets taxpayers five billion dollars.

Washingtonian Magazine and Daily Beast on why David Gregory lost his job.

Via Gawker, the most excellent Ta-Nahisi Coates Twitter stream.

Some examples of both sides don’t from Driftglass in 2006.

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Science Fiction University Christmas Exam!

Remember, No Googling.  Send the answers you have to  The first five to send something with some correct answers in it will receive a diploma in the form of a postcard from Driftglass himself.  The judges decisions are final, and comments are closed for this post.  You can't answer anything here or email me about this.  Thanks!

1.  In which science fiction short story is Santa Claus really a James Bond-like secret agent?  Who was the author of the story and what was the name of at least one villain from the story. (Bonus point for knowing the greeting between employees of Santa's workshop)

2.  What 1964 Christmas SF movie disaster is always a fan favorite at conventions.  [Hint:  Pia Zedora]

3.  What dystopian science fiction movie is conspicuously set in the lead up to Christmas?

4.  In a Ray Bradbury short story, a young boy's parents are worried that travel regulations will make their son's Christmas suck.  But the young boy gets a most unexpected Christmas present.  What is the name of the story and what present does the boy receive?

5.  In an Arthur C. Clarke short story, a Jesuit priest's faith is sorely tested by a tragic discovery.  What is the name of the story and what does the priest discover?

6.  Had the internet existed in 1978 when this successful film franchise spawned one of the most universally hated holiday specials of all time, it might have doomed the career of Bea Arthur among others.  What was the film franchise and what was the name of the fictional holiday the awful, awful show purported to celebrate?

7.  What famous writer of science fiction (including the rarely seen "A Carol for Another Christmas") was born on Christmas Day?

8.  What science fiction movie is centered around the need to protect the miraculous pregnancy of an unwed mother from a violent world.

9.  In what tv series do Desmond and Penny finally connect via telephone on Christmas Eve?

10.  What author contracted with Scribner's for 12 years to produce a new "juvenile" novel each year for the Christmas season?   

Good luck.

Friday, December 19

Ep 263 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 263 What's in the Pope's Cloak?

December 18, 2014

The Pope barters the Cuba deal? Jeb Bush on Facebook. Why we want Elizabeth Warren for Senate, for ever. More at

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Links for this episode:

Nate Silver:  Is Jeb Bush too liberal to win the 2016 GOP nomination?

Jon Huntsman claims Jeb Bush evokes GOP nostalgia. 

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Friday, December 12

Ep 262 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 262 Ferguson, Torture, and The Wish of Angels

December 11, 2014

We discuss the last time the system worked, and what went wrong. More at

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Conor Friedersdorf: The Graywashing of Torture

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Friday, December 5

Ep 261 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 261 The Marketing Genius of the Civil Rights Movement.

December 04, 2014

What if there had been a FOX news in 1964? Hating non-Whites is the Fox News Business Model. Bible Bitch doesn't think praying is an answer to being an a-hole. And Science Fiction University is about that movie "Alien." More at

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Links for this episode:

Raw Story:  Guy who protests DUI checks gets hit by drunk driver

Chris Rock talks, you listen.

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Wednesday, December 3

Tomorrow is the start of #Zappadan

zappadan 2014
[With apologies to Carvaggio.]   

Frank Zappa died December 4 (the night now known as BummerNacht), and was born (earlier, they tell me) on December 21, Day Zero of Zappadan.

Too many years ago to count accurately, the blog known as The Aristocrats declared that December 4 through 21 should henceforth be known as Zappadan: the days of the year between death and birth, that ethereal time when there was no Frank, so we must celebrate him to keep his spirit safe until his birthday again.

Or it's just a great excuse for a party that has nothing to do with the greed and debt festival known as Christmas in America. In any event, it's a labor of love with the hope that Frank would be proud.

"Some people say" that the Miracles of Zappadan stuff is a buncha hooey, but I disagree. During the first Zappadan in 2006, John Bolton resigned. Then the year after that, Sandy Underpants went to the registry of motor vehicles during Zappadan and got a new license plate with no lines, no waiting, and free donuts.  All I can say is, it's Zappadan - Expect Miracles.

Many blessings to you on BummerNacht and throughout the celebration. And if you're not into Zappa, The Onion has some words for you.