Friday, September 30
Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left Ep 95
Links for this episode:
Frank Rich channels Driftglass.
Paul Krugman channels Driftglass.
Greg Sargent at Wapo channels Driftglass.
Jay Rosen channels Driftglass.
“SPENT” game from Urban Ministries of Durham.
Bachmann warns of Hezbollah missile sites in Cuba.
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Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Thursday, September 29
She never shrinks from a challenge....
Because of this.
And because while it's never okay to make fun of poor people, white trash is always in season.
Please read this out loud for fun. But don't ask me to do any shackling photoshops. I save those for Callista Gingrich:
"Through my process of decision-making with my family and my close friends as to whether I should throw my name in the hat for the GOP nomination for 2012 – Is a title worth it? Does a title shackle a person?" Palin said Tuesday night on the Fox News show "On the Record."
"Someone like me who's a maverick? I do go rogue and I call it like I see it and I don't mind stirring it up in order to get people to think and debate aggressively to find solutions to the problems that our country is facing," Palin continued.
"Somebody like me, is a title and a campaign too shackling? Does that prohibit me from being out there and out of a box, not allowing handlers to shape me and to force my message to be what's going on, or what contributors or political pundits want it to be?" Palin said.
It is clear to me that she thinks of the Presidency of the United States as equal to representing Alaska in the Miss USA pageant.
Wednesday, September 28
Tough news.
Driftglass got laid off this morning. Sigh. He's spending next week at the countryhouse... hopefully we can get his resume out to some outfits down here so ProLeft doesn't have to be long distance any more. In the meantime, the good news is that one percent (1%) of our podcast listeners made a $5.00 or more contribution to the podcast this week. That was our goal (up from point three three percent) and we're very grateful to each of you who threw some scratch in the hat. It makes a difference, not just to our bank account, but to our spirits. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 27
Spot the difference.
To paraphrase Orwell, if you want a vision of the future, imagine a police state terrorizing a woman, forever.
Palin threatens to sue about the cocaine thing and the sex with a black NBA guy thing.
So if she sues, McGinniss's lawyers get to search her personal records for findings to defend their client.
And she has to prove that he lied.
Also, in keeping with her narcissistic M.O., she threatens to sue all the time.
Very few people have defended McGinniss and his piece o' trash. And frankly, I don't care who Palin screwed (and yeah I don't think the euphemism "slept with" is at all accurate) or even what drugs she took back in the 80's. She's screwing the political process by abusing campaign finance laws with her stupid bus tour, and she's screwing the national political dialogue by pretending she has any qualifications to participate in it. Those issues are relevant. McGinniss's hatchet job is not.
And the lawsuit thing? How about we revisit that after we all stop laughing.
Saturday, September 24
Friday, September 23
Our Weekly Podcast, The Professional Left Ep 94
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 94 What Class Warfare? 1-2-3 what are we fighting for?
September 22, 2011
Recorded before the Troy Davis execution: BG does a lighting round of items proving there is the class war is kinda, well, over. Why liberal activism will never pay a living wage (because we're not d*cks) and why the Charlie Sheen Roast is EXACTLY like a GOP debate. And why the real battle we're fighting is not against conservatives, it's against... more at
Links for this episode:
Scooter Libby ignored at the Tucker Carlson website launch party.
Jerry Brown dealing with a new Republican opposition in California.
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Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Thursday, September 22
Friday, September 16
Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left Ep 93
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 93 Star Trek versus the Tea Party?
September 15, 2011
Is there a difference between Republicans and Libertarians? And why English Majors make the best political analysts. And Driftglass compares and contrasts a tea party gathering... with a Star Trek convention? More at
Links for this episode:
David Gergen reports "offensive" debate behavior.
Lawrence O'Donnell goes full Driftglass
David Corn on liars at the GOP debates.
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Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Thursday, September 15
The GOP Jobs Bill Comix
Via Our Future dot org, "Speaker Boehner to propose more tax cuts for the wealthy, call it a "jobs" plan, at 12:30 PM today, reports Politico."
Wednesday, September 14
The GOP Debate I'd Like to See....
With all "due" respect to Wolf Blitzer, I'd like the next GOP debate to be hosted by Bridal Bling Blue Gal (TM) and Kathy Griffin.
BBBG: Welcome to tonight's debate. I'd like to start by picking up an issue from the last debate, the 30 year old uninsured guy in a coma who the tea party audience wants dead.
Kathy Griffin: I take it his last name isn't "Schiavo."
BBBG: Right. What if an uninsured 30-year-old accidentally fell off a bridge when, in an incident no one could have foreseen, the bridge in a Republican district collapsed underneath him because the Republican Congressional Delegation had cut taxes for billionaires so much, that no one could afford to maintain an existing bridge?
Kathy Griffin: I think the Congressional delegation was so busy de-funding Planned Parenthood they didn't notice the bridge was broken.
BBBG: But what if the uninsured 30-year-old's parents were Roman Catholic culture-of-life types and had purchased several hundred copies of Callista Gingrich's Pope Video?
Kathy Griffin: Or what if the guy himself was a dominionist who didn't have money for health insurance because he gave it all to Pray Away The Gay Ministries?
BBBG: Or what if this bridge collapsed AFTER the repeal of Obamacare, and he didn't have insurance because the insurance company cancelled his coverage due to the pre-existing condition of...
BBBG: We'll just have to put an asterisk next to the repeal of Obamacare, so Republican Donor pro-life Catholic Anti-Gay Ministry types won't have to pay.
Kathy Griffin: They never do.
BBBG: We'll be back after the break, when Kathy and I will ask the candidates about balanced budgets and bringing more freedom to Wall Street.
Monday, September 12
Friday, September 9
Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left Ep 92
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 92 The Reagan Debate; and the Professional Left Five Year Plan?
September 08, 2011
Laughter and horror over the GOP debate; and, how do we survive the political stress of the next five years? More at
Note: I get a little emotional in this episode but my husband talks me down. :)
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Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Wednesday, September 7
Tuesday, September 6
Apparently, the "you can't pray at a football game" omgomgomg email is going around again.
My reply is below, as in, Reply All. And honestly, I don't mind not being on these email lists if people want to take me off. But don't wave this stuff in my email box if you don't want me to reply all, because I have a FIRM POLICY of doing so. This is being forwarded to people from church groups of which I am a part.
It's not illegal to pray at a football game. If the teams playing are at public, taxpayer funded schools, the ruling is that the Principal cannot MAKE students and players say a prayer, or use the public address system to announce prayers to the public school function. Public announcements of religion at these events is Satan's trick to get people to be lazy about their own piety and lack of repentance. Hey, if we're all praying in public, then my own sins are covered. Satan tricks people into thinking if public figures blab about Jesus, we as a nation are all set and don't have to look within at the evil in our own individual thinking. Satan's mission accomplished.
Taking it the other direction, football is such a religion in Alabama that students at the private Baptist institution Samford University can get convocation credit (religious service attendance) for ATTENDING a FOOTBALL GAME. Even if there is a prayer at the beginning, what a joke.
My own sins keep me busy 24/7/365. I'm either doing them or repenting them, and I pray the good outweighs the bad. But I won't be comforted one bit by anyone in a public office, from a school principal to a presidential candidate, giving lip service to Jesus Christ. They can't bring me closer to God than I already am, but they sure can distract me into thinking that by proxy, I don't have to worry about my relationship with my Lord and Creator. Get thee behind me, Satan!
It's not illegal to pray at a football game. If the teams playing are at public, taxpayer funded schools, the ruling is that the Principal cannot MAKE students and players say a prayer, or use the public address system to announce prayers to the public school function. Public announcements of religion at these events is Satan's trick to get people to be lazy about their own piety and lack of repentance. Hey, if we're all praying in public, then my own sins are covered. Satan tricks people into thinking if public figures blab about Jesus, we as a nation are all set and don't have to look within at the evil in our own individual thinking. Satan's mission accomplished.
Taking it the other direction, football is such a religion in Alabama that students at the private Baptist institution Samford University can get convocation credit (religious service attendance) for ATTENDING a FOOTBALL GAME. Even if there is a prayer at the beginning, what a joke.
My own sins keep me busy 24/7/365. I'm either doing them or repenting them, and I pray the good outweighs the bad. But I won't be comforted one bit by anyone in a public office, from a school principal to a presidential candidate, giving lip service to Jesus Christ. They can't bring me closer to God than I already am, but they sure can distract me into thinking that by proxy, I don't have to worry about my relationship with my Lord and Creator. Get thee behind me, Satan!
Sunday, September 4
Friday, September 2
Our Weekly Podcast - Episode 91 The Professional Left
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 91 "Barack, how could you have pardoned Nixon?"
September 01, 2011
Driftglass has one question for Barack Obama. Also, a question for us liberals: are we sticking to principles or fetishizing our politics? More at
Links for this episode:
Bernie Sanders and Lockheed Martin
US Taxpayers build an unnecessary Iraqi prison.
Daily Kos cartoon on Zip Houses with comment from Blue Gal.
Distribution of Wealth in the US (chart).
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Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Thursday, September 1
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