Sunday, July 29
Friday, July 27
Ep 138 The Professional Left Podcast
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 138 Mitt Flakes London!
July 26, 2012
Mitt Romney’s Olympic performance proves Blue Gal’s theory that he doesn’t want to win this election. BG poops on the Democratic Party establishment, and despairs for the ecology of the planet. Driftglass exposes a fantastic find -- Tom Friedman losing his mind when an interviewer brings up his own wealth. More at
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Thursday, July 26
Romney in London Caption Contest! #RomneyShambles
And here's a blank one for you to play with (and yes it's a photoshop, I don't think Cameron wanted Mitt near Her Majesty):
You can also leave a caption in comments below (which will not appear immediately because I screen comments). The one I like best will be posted here with a link to your blog if you have such. Deadline is Sunday night. I'll post the winner on Monday.
h/t my wonderful husband for the idea and input. xoxo
Wednesday, July 25
Tuesday, July 24
First World Problem? Not. (NSFW)
Sunday, July 22
If Civilization Must End, Let It Go Out On This:
K-Pop (for Korean) and Gangnam is apparently a district there. I suspect this is the US equivalent of "Burbank Style"? Much better in full screen, by the way.
The Real Problem with Middle East Politics?
MISOGYNY? How about we make all the generals go home and put women in charge? Huh?
I laughed until I cried at this clip this morning. And kudos to Chris Hayes for having not one but TWO actual Syrians on his show to talk about Syria. Like hurricanes in Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire, that hardly ever happens.
But watch the body language on the former Syrian general as Amy Goodman interrupts him to make a well-informed point about international negotiations. And actually, this isn't an Arab problem. John McCain makes the exact same face. :D
I laughed until I cried at this clip this morning. And kudos to Chris Hayes for having not one but TWO actual Syrians on his show to talk about Syria. Like hurricanes in Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire, that hardly ever happens.
But watch the body language on the former Syrian general as Amy Goodman interrupts him to make a well-informed point about international negotiations. And actually, this isn't an Arab problem. John McCain makes the exact same face. :D
Friday, July 20
Ep 137 The Professional Left Podcast
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 137 To Kill a Mockingbird in Aurora, Colorado
July 19, 2012
Recorded the day of the horrific shooting in Aurora, Colorado, Driftglass and Blue Gal discuss literature, deflecting the mob, and why humanity is worth saving. (Also Mitt Romney’s literary fail with his own narrative.) More at
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Thursday, July 19
Ann #YouPeople Romney as Marie Antoinette, Now a Series...
Wednesday, July 18
Monday, July 16
Mitt Romney (with Nikki Haley?) at the GOP Convention!
Bollywood style!
Personalize funny videos at Bombay TV by Agent-Graphique - Agence communication
Happy Birthday to me and my mom!
And thanks to my wonderful husband and great kids for making every day joyful. I have so much for which to be grateful.
Not the least of which is, I never have to explain to Sarah Palin why she's not invited to the party.
Friday, July 13
The Professional Left Podcast Ep 136
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 136 Do we HAVE to vote Obama? And your letters...
July 12, 2012
Our letters show goes off on a lot of tangents -- we don't actually mean it when we say take a drink, you'll get alcohol poisoning. Also please note that Monday is Blue Gal's birthday and we'll be away. Blogging and emails might go waiting. More at
Links for this episode:
The best tweets from #BothSidesDont
Robert Reich's Move On Ad.
The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support! We really appreciate it:
Hey @Maddow, I found that Cheney-Romney photo you were looking for.
Wednesday, July 11
Friday, July 6
The Professional Left Podcast Ep 135
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 135 Don't Eat Each Other Alive, Democrats!
July 05, 2012
Please note we are testing new recording equipment this week and sound quality varies. Driftglass and Blue Gal discuss how to disagree with other liberals without being disagreeable. More at
Links for this episode:
Sam Seder and Bill Scher disagree without being disagreeable re Obama.
Blue Gal asks a youtube debate question on imperial presidential power
The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support! We really appreciate it:
Tuesday, July 3
Arianna Huffington is Marie Antoinette? Really.
First the Karl Marx Mastercard, now this?
Suing Blogger Compares Huffington to Marie Antoinette
It's like the gods of the internet are combing through my 2010 archives, just to screw with me.

You'll make me the next Sally Quinn? Of course you will, Dahlink!
But I must know who does Andrea Mitchell's botox.
But I must know who does Andrea Mitchell's botox.
Or maybe the universe is telling me to do my birthday fundraiser early. If a third one of these pops up today I swear it's a sign.
I Call your Karl Marx Mastercard and Raise You a Che Guevara Visa
Cory Doctorow at BoingBoing points out that the Germans voted Karl Marx as the guy they wanted on their Mastercard. Poor Angela Merkel, NATO should send her another relaxation basket with some chai tea and ready-to-eat cheesecake filling, cuz the East Germans miss socialism.
But on the Marx Mastercard thing. Ahem, I photoshopped that bad boy back in 2010.
Along with the Che Guevara Visa:

And my personal favorite, the Emma Goldman mugshot Discover Card ("The Card with Payback tm")

But on the Marx Mastercard thing. Ahem, I photoshopped that bad boy back in 2010.

And my personal favorite, the Emma Goldman mugshot Discover Card ("The Card with Payback tm")

Monday, July 2
Happy Birthday July Bloggers and Activists

Good God, there's a lot of us.
July 16th is the birthday of both Blue Gal and her sainted mother. And for some possibly astrological reason, (are Cancers especially creative or is it our strong parenting instinct which keeps us feeding these babies?) lots and lots of bloggers celebrate birthdays this month, including my evil twin, AL of Threading Water and Pam of Pam's House Blend.
I originally posted a list of bloggers but that was from three years ago and all but the two above are abandoned. As far as blogging is concerned, it looks like Facebook and Twitter have destroyed the mid-list.
TODAY is the tenth birthday of my lovely, lovely middle child. So pretty and so smart and such an artist and such a blessing. I love you, sweetheart. Here she is just a few years ago, showing we Cancerian women are all that. I vote her my child most likely to knit AND blog, which should tell you something:

Happy birthday.
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