The difference between 'passive' and 'prioritized' politics. BG suggests we not wait for a certain generation to "die off" before pushing for change. And after the music, a somber letter regarding grief, loss and healing. More at
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We read a suprising submission to an investment column about taking your own dog's prescription medication. DG does a spot-on Rush Limbaugh impersonation, plus Bible Bitch and Sci Fi University visits The Doctor.
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Firing Alec Baldwin might have been the right thing, but what about other media mess ups? And some of your Thanksgiving letters (more of those next week).
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The JFK and Gettysburg anniversaries yield some dangerous and nasty rhetoric on the right. Why we DON"T want Elizabeth Warren for President, and DG's thoughts on employment. More at
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Do Virginia gubernatorial results and angry Texas voters point out that we are entering another suffragette-driven Progressive Era? More at
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Rand Paul provides a perfect instance of IOKIYAR. Also JP Morgan Chase spends your food stamp money on lobbying. More at
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DG remembers working in IT for government, the Pope says stuff he'd have been burned for five centuries ago, and we discuss obscene campaign finance and "Inherit the Wind." More at
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DG makes predictions about the media, sees Casablanca again, and after the music, we discuss whether Science Fiction is the canary in our political coal mine. More at
Books mentioned in Science Fiction University: Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake and The Handmaid's Tale, Frederick Pohl, The Space Merchants, and Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People.
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"Both Sides Don't" goes kinda viral, and the GOP loses big-time in polls and in policy. Also, we shop the Obamacare Exchanges because we have to. More at Professional Left dot blogspot dot com.
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Our last Breaking Bad mini podcast will be up later this afternoon.
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Frank Frank - (Man in the High Castle) (Philip K. Dick)
Case - (Neuromancer) (William Gibson)
Gulliver Foyle (The Stars My Destination) (Alfred Bester) Cirocco Jones (Titan) (John Varley)
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Louie Gohmert compares guns and murder to spoons and obesity. Also, news of the week and Science Fiction University. More at
Another Breaking Bad podcast will be up later this afternoon.
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We agree with Digby that it's time to end the Obama as multi-level chess master myth, but also end the Dronemaster McWorseThanBush myth, too. Also, what does it look like when we're all asked to be entrepreneurs and we're all broke? (bonus Breaking Bad Podcast will follow). More at
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Analogies with Syria, and in Science Fiction University, the future as mostly correctly predicted by Isaac Asimov. More at
We talk for ten minutes or so about Syria, then Bob Cesca of The Bubble Genius Bob and Chez Show joins us to discuss what we should advocate for in terms of FIXING the NSA/FISA Court transparency problems. More at
BG goes on a rant against a media who forgets that "million" is a number. And in Science Fiction University, comparing West Wing and Twilight Zone. More at