Friday, June 28

Ep 186 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 186 Bob and Chez and Scalia and ...Newt?

June 27, 2013

Shouting out to fellow podcasters Bob and Chez; also, SCOTUS decisions are all states’ rights, notice. Newt Gingrich gets a show on CNN, and an Illinois GOP official gets all sexist and racist? Really? More at

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Fellow podcaster Matt Filipowicz got robbed on his way back from NN.

Bob and Chez podcast.

Matt Taibbi on advocacy journalism.

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Tuesday, June 25

Hey, Hey! Paula [Deen]

“Well what I would really like is a bunch of little n###ers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around,” Jackson alleges Deen told her. “Now, that would be a true Southern wedding wouldn’t it?"

Another of Paula Deen's problems is she romanticizes the Confederacy.  "Southern Tradition," "Southern Heritage," "Southern honor,"  and "The South will rise again." BS.  

The Confederacy practiced slavery.  

Nothing romantic or honorable about it.

Friday, June 21

Ep 185 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 185 The Letters Show plus DG Fan Fiction

June 20, 2013

The inevitable Republican death spiral -- in translation. Three of your letters, including fan fiction in which Driftglass meets his nemesis. And after the music, science fiction movie trivia. More at

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Link for this episode: You can answer the science fiction trivia questions in advance or play along with DG. Thanks to Robert J. Sawyer for his permission to use these questions.

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Friday, June 14

Ep 184 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 184: God Forbid We Should Hurt the Chain of Command!

June 13, 2013

Why Glenn Greenwald reminds DG of his late stepfather. Microsoft fail at E3. Plus: relationship advice for the science fiction lover and those who love him. More at

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Links for this episode:

David Brin -- Three cheers for the Surveillance Society!

Ready Player One, science fiction novel recommended by The Professional Left.

Tuesday, June 11

I love reading @MargaretAtwood

Finally started Year of the Flood this week. I have to catch up because the third book in her trilogy comes out in September. (BTW I recommend the audio book version of book one: Oryx and Crake. Campbell Scott's narration is really good.)

 I came to this paragraph:

   She relocates several slugs and snails and pulls out some weeds, leaving the purslane: she can steam that later. On the delicate carrot fronds she finds two bright-blue kudzu moth caterpillars. Though developed as a biological control for invasive kudzu, they seem to prefer garden vegetables. In one of those jokey moves so common in the first years of gene-splicing, their designer gave them a baby face at the front end, with big eyes and a happy smile, which makes them remarkably difficult to kill. She pulls them off the carrots, their mandibles chewing ravenously beneath their cutie-pie masks, lifts the edge of the netting, and tosses them outside the fence. No doubt they'll be back.

 And I just had to do a photoshop:


 What are you reading this summer?

 I have several paperbacks by John Green on my list. The Fault in Our Stars was a lovely read. And I finished Three Junes  by Julia Glass (yes, I am catching up, as I said). Hard time getting used to the character "Fern," but in the end she fit into the story.

 Share your summer reads in comments. Thanks.

 P.S. For more Margaret Atwood from my archives, click here.

UPDATE:  This made my whole summer:

Friday, June 7

Ep 183 The Professional Left Podcast

My "YouTube Debate" question from 2007, which wasn't played at the debate. One commenter noted that the answer to my question is a state secret. :D

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 183 Drying, Spying, and Lying

June 06, 2013

DG and BG survive another flood in the basement, discuss Glenn Greenwald and Chris Christie, and answer trivia about old skool blogging. More at

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Monday, June 3

Huskies React to Darryl Issa Calling Anyone Else A "Liar".

Originals from here.

#GameOfThrones Finales We'd Like to See ( #GoT )

Click images for larger:

Sansa's long-lost husband suddenly appears!

"You don't know nuttin' bout nobuddy, Jon Snow."

"That was some dream!  Three woodsmen, you say?"