Friday, December 26

Ep 264 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 264 Intro to 'Both Sides Don't'

December 25, 2014

We discuss both-siderism and give examples. Plus a special science fiction university where YOU get to answer the trivia questions! More at

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Solyndra program nets taxpayers five billion dollars.

Washingtonian Magazine and Daily Beast on why David Gregory lost his job.

Via Gawker, the most excellent Ta-Nahisi Coates Twitter stream.

Some examples of both sides don’t from Driftglass in 2006.

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Science Fiction University Christmas Exam!

Remember, No Googling.  Send the answers you have to  The first five to send something with some correct answers in it will receive a diploma in the form of a postcard from Driftglass himself.  The judges decisions are final, and comments are closed for this post.  You can't answer anything here or email me about this.  Thanks!

1.  In which science fiction short story is Santa Claus really a James Bond-like secret agent?  Who was the author of the story and what was the name of at least one villain from the story. (Bonus point for knowing the greeting between employees of Santa's workshop)

2.  What 1964 Christmas SF movie disaster is always a fan favorite at conventions.  [Hint:  Pia Zedora]

3.  What dystopian science fiction movie is conspicuously set in the lead up to Christmas?

4.  In a Ray Bradbury short story, a young boy's parents are worried that travel regulations will make their son's Christmas suck.  But the young boy gets a most unexpected Christmas present.  What is the name of the story and what present does the boy receive?

5.  In an Arthur C. Clarke short story, a Jesuit priest's faith is sorely tested by a tragic discovery.  What is the name of the story and what does the priest discover?

6.  Had the internet existed in 1978 when this successful film franchise spawned one of the most universally hated holiday specials of all time, it might have doomed the career of Bea Arthur among others.  What was the film franchise and what was the name of the fictional holiday the awful, awful show purported to celebrate?

7.  What famous writer of science fiction (including the rarely seen "A Carol for Another Christmas") was born on Christmas Day?

8.  What science fiction movie is centered around the need to protect the miraculous pregnancy of an unwed mother from a violent world.

9.  In what tv series do Desmond and Penny finally connect via telephone on Christmas Eve?

10.  What author contracted with Scribner's for 12 years to produce a new "juvenile" novel each year for the Christmas season?   

Good luck.

Friday, December 19

Ep 263 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 263 What's in the Pope's Cloak?

December 18, 2014

The Pope barters the Cuba deal? Jeb Bush on Facebook. Why we want Elizabeth Warren for Senate, for ever. More at

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Links for this episode:

Nate Silver:  Is Jeb Bush too liberal to win the 2016 GOP nomination?

Jon Huntsman claims Jeb Bush evokes GOP nostalgia. 

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Friday, December 12

Ep 262 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 262 Ferguson, Torture, and The Wish of Angels

December 11, 2014

We discuss the last time the system worked, and what went wrong. More at

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Links for this episode:

Conor Friedersdorf: The Graywashing of Torture

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Friday, December 5

Ep 261 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 261 The Marketing Genius of the Civil Rights Movement.

December 04, 2014

What if there had been a FOX news in 1964? Hating non-Whites is the Fox News Business Model. Bible Bitch doesn't think praying is an answer to being an a-hole. And Science Fiction University is about that movie "Alien." More at

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Links for this episode:

Raw Story:  Guy who protests DUI checks gets hit by drunk driver

Chris Rock talks, you listen.

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Wednesday, December 3

Tomorrow is the start of #Zappadan

zappadan 2014
[With apologies to Carvaggio.]   

Frank Zappa died December 4 (the night now known as BummerNacht), and was born (earlier, they tell me) on December 21, Day Zero of Zappadan.

Too many years ago to count accurately, the blog known as The Aristocrats declared that December 4 through 21 should henceforth be known as Zappadan: the days of the year between death and birth, that ethereal time when there was no Frank, so we must celebrate him to keep his spirit safe until his birthday again.

Or it's just a great excuse for a party that has nothing to do with the greed and debt festival known as Christmas in America. In any event, it's a labor of love with the hope that Frank would be proud.

"Some people say" that the Miracles of Zappadan stuff is a buncha hooey, but I disagree. During the first Zappadan in 2006, John Bolton resigned. Then the year after that, Sandy Underpants went to the registry of motor vehicles during Zappadan and got a new license plate with no lines, no waiting, and free donuts.  All I can say is, it's Zappadan - Expect Miracles.

Many blessings to you on BummerNacht and throughout the celebration. And if you're not into Zappa, The Onion has some words for you.

Thursday, November 27

Ep 260 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 260 The Thanksgiving Show

November 26, 2014

We discuss immigration, Ferguson, and read your Thanksgiving letters. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! More at

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Links for this episode:

Chris Hayes:  Mo Brooks can’t hear “Reagan” hears “Clinton”

PBS Newshour:  Ruth Marcus coddles David Brooks

Giving Tuesday:  The Hope Institute, Springfield IL 

Science Fiction University  - In lieu of SFU, and in keeping with our Thanksgiving theme, above is Ursula K. LeGuin’s acceptance speech at the National Book Awards, h/t Nicole Belle at Crooks and Liars

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Friday, November 21

Ep 259 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 259 Don't be the Ahole at Thanksgiving

November 20, 2014

We talk about whether we should be an a-hole at Thanksgiving when Crazy Uncle Liberty spouts off. Plus the future of podcasting, why Blue Gal expects 700 emails, and science fiction university. More at

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Fixed That Barbie Computer Book Thing...

Click any image for larger; the original call to action is here. h/t LW.

Friday, November 14

Ep 258 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 258 Wait, That's MY Pron!

November 13, 2014

Net Neutrality has plenty of Republican defenders. Liberal fundraisers diss Hilary, and why liberals must stop arguing with an empty auditorium. Plus Science Fiction University and an invitation to write us for our letters show coming this Thanksgiving weekend. More at

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Friday, November 7

Ep 257 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 257 Don't Panic

November 06, 2014

We mourn Election Results, 2014, but keep the faith. More at

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Links for this episode:

Science Fiction University:  The Adult Swim pilot Welcome to Eltingville's epic sci fi trivia battle.

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Too Soon?

If I worked for Hillary Clinton 2016, I would force her to spend the next six months in Berlin rather than Iowa.  I make fun of Angela Merkel, but she's in charge without going all boomer royalty every six minutes. 

I have a longer post in my head of advice for Hillary.  Maybe later. 

Monday, November 3

"And the boys cat-call, just up for each other." **

Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of this here blog and no I am not doing a fundraiser (people can give to the podcast which is where most of my blog energy goes these days) but I did decide to write today about that Hollaback catcalling video from last week.

And I could post the video here or show you the latest privileged male douchebag response (from CNN, who woulda guessed?  Everybody.)  But you are reading this on the internet so you already know all about it.

No one needs to write a post denouncing scatological verbal assault towards any other person.  Groping, stalking, rape-threatening, any comment which mentions your penis or her body parts, any of them?  You are a pig, and possibly an arch-pig.  This blog post is about men who approach women on the street uninvited, and make a comment to her or about her appearance that is also uninvited.

I'm writing about this because after searching the internet I have found no one writing about this drama from the standpoint of why so many men would behave with such consistency.   The power of this video is not just that one woman faced one-hundred-and-eight catcalls in one day, but that MORE than that number spoke to her, made a play, put it out there, and that any one of those individual men probably catcalls more than once per day anyway.  (The video edited out a great number of men, especially the Caucasians.)   That's an enormous amount of energy spent getting rejected on a public thoroughfare.  And even the Belcerebons of Kakrafoon Kappa don't wag their tongues that much.

Those of us whose feminist (literary) criticism came of age in 1980's English departments have a different take on why they do it.  It's not about the girl.  It's never about the girl.  Men's pursuit of women in this culture has more to do with how they relate to each other than how they percieve women.  Or as we discussed around the table in undergraduate Lit Crit, the dance scene in Pride and Prejudice isn't about Darcy and Elizabeth.  It's about Darcy and Bingley:

Darcy and Bingley’s erotic triangle, based on their “friendly” male rivalry, depends on positioning Jane between them as the female object mediating the two male characters’ current of homosocial desire.  Thus, Darcy’s heterosexual desire may be to dance with Jane, in order to outdo his friend; alternatively, however, Darcy might perhaps wish he himself could dance with Bingley, rather than alongside him.  Because both options are not feasible, Darcy’s desire is unmet in both regards.  In order to save face, Darcy petulantly refuses to dance with anyone except Bingley’s sisters (who are individually as homosocially identical to Bingley as is possible for any woman to be) and deliberately spurns Elizabeth by refusing to “settle” for a dance with her: “I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men” (Austen 6–7; emphasis added).  Feeling “slighted” for losing out to his friend’s superior heterosocial currency, Darcy demonstrates the attitude of a sore loser and exposes the underlying competitive logic of male homosocial desire, but only as an afterthought: a female object not sought-after by other men is clearly an undesirable commodity.  
And here we can stop and sing a song of "should not"s.  Women should not be treated as currency.  Men should not treat women's bodies, women's space, women's voices as somehow trade-able or own-able by them.  But the Sonata of Should Not does not transform women's day-to-day experience.  Hundreds of women, every day, every where, being treated as property.  And the abyss we plummet from....

A.  A woman WITH a friend who will accompany her WITH a digital camera for ten hours of free time to make a point about life in the food-laden streets of Manhattan that will then be posted on the internet (White men edited out) to be played by 25 million internet connected devices mostly in the United States


B.  The announcement that the abducted girls in Nigeria have been "married off" to their Boku Haram kidnappers.

...measures our privilege.

But getting back to Manhattan and the enormous energy spent by men talking to women who don't welcome the attention.   It's not just a numbers game.  It's a competition between men not only for who has the best line and the most "success", but also who can best brush off the inevitable rejection.  A great many of the men in the Hollaback video had a pack of wingmen passing judgment on HIS performance.  It's a show. Does that make it less aggravating to experience multiple times a day?  No.  We are only now starting to talk about how women feel about being approached on the street by a male stranger, even a well-meaning one,  because a viral video hit a raw and universal nerve.  But hey, there are over five million "wingman" posts on the web about how to handle rejection "like a man," if that helps you, fellas.

Joyce Carol Oates caught fire for suggesting that men in more affluent neighborhoods would not engage in that kind of catcalling.  Her crime was writing a tweet instead of an essay, because she has a point but one that can't fit the mini-genre.  It's not that men in affluent neighborhoods are better socially and therefore do not catcall.  It's that those men have many other resources with which to get the attention of women.  Money and leisure time allow a male to approach a female in a bar rather than on the street.  Why is a pickup line in a bar more acceptable than the street?  Location location location isn't just for real estate.   A woman attempting to walk to her place of employment is not a woman sitting in a bar.  She is not at leisure to consider your invitation, she is going to work.

And speaking of real estate, the street as public space versus private space is really important here.   On the streets of Manhattan, privacy is not something you are either given or entitled to.  When Comedy Central's Jessica Williams (better than Hollaback in so many ways) recommends huge headphones and travelling in groups as the defense against catcalls she is reinforcing Manhattan's crowd sourced anxiety and the fact that one must enforce one's own private space in the city:

And when she suggests "acting like a lunatic" she is removing herself from the acceptable gene pool to avoid the perils of evolutionary biology.

No, really.

**apologies to "Wild Night" by Van Morrison

Friday, October 31

Ep 256 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 256 Smarter than Sarah Palin?

October 30, 2014

A Senate candidate (guess which party) gets complimented as being smarter than Sarah Palin. And a wrap up of all the non-hirings in media this week. More at

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Links for this episode:

Bible Bitch:  Philippians 2.

Esquire Magazine:  The "Both Sides" is strong with this Republican Congress

Minnesota Congressional race and the triumph of Centrism.

Charlie Pierce:  people agree w/ Liberals on issues but now "trust" Republicans more?!?

Moderate centrists really were an illusion all along.

Joan Walsh takes a turn at the David Brooks pinata.

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Thursday, October 30

Happy Birthday, Driftglass ( @mr_electrico ). Best Husband Ever.

I love you very much.  

PS. We're recording the podcast tonight, don't forget.

PPS.  Andrea can still eat her heart out.

Readers:  Please leave your best wishes over at his place.  Thanks.

Friday, October 24

Ep 255 The Professional Left Podcast

From the Pew Study linked below
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 255 A (Confederate) Land Called Reagan

October 23, 2014

The Pew People come out with a study that proves the Fox News Bubble; RIP Ben Bradlee and the difference between Watergate and Iran Contra. Also, more on politics and Science Fiction University. More at

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Links for this episode:

Charlie Pierce on Ben Bradlee

Pew study on politics and trusting the media.

Cokie’s Law - Republican lies must be “debated” as valid arguments.  

Science Fiction University:  Mayberry in Star Trek.

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Friday, October 17

Ep 254 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 254 We Interrupt This Podcast With Broccoli

October 16, 2014

Driftglass has an urgent health situation concerning unswallowed broccoli, and we survive it and podcast anyway. More at

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Friday, October 10

Ep 253 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 253 American ISIS?

October 09, 2014

Racism, Ebola, and Fox News. Plus Science Fiction University. More at

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Walmart loves Solar as long as they own the sun.

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Friday, October 3

Ep 252 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 252 Sick of Sarah Palin? Let's Play Offense.

October 02, 2014

Why do we let Sarah Palin, etc. determine what we on the Left talk about? Running like a goddamn Democrat (see Paul Wellstone and Pat Quinn). More at

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Daily Kos:  Why not call out Republicans as crazy?  (Bernie Sanders and voter turnout).

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Friday, September 26

Ep 251 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 251 Chicken Bone in the Throat of US Progress

September 25, 2014

It's the same people every time who stop progress in the US. Also, bad negative ads, Blue Gal praises Zeke Emanuel's "Die at 75" article, and Science Fiction University. More at

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Links for this Episode:

Andrew SullivanDoes The GOP care about deficits

Zeke Emanuelat The Atlantic on his end-of-life decisions.

Chicago Sun Times editorial on End of Life Care

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn on Up with Steve Kornacki (see also above)

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Friday, September 19

Ep 250 The Professional Left Podcast


The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 250 Freedom Cows and Fake Republicans

September 18, 2014

Clive Bundy’s mooching off the gubmint again. Guess who’s suing to keep Libertarians off the ballot in Illinois? A chalkboard vote on the most jaw dropping lie of the week. Also, our congressman sends us a curious postcard, and Kay Bailey Hutchison decides RON Christie should be promoted? Science Fiction University is all about los gatos! More at

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Links for this Episode:

Jeffrey Sachs Bashes Krauthammer and David Brooks: ‘Every Single Column, Wrong’
Republican Congressman Rodney Davis (R-IL) on Healthcare: By repealing this law, we can begin to build on some of the good provisions in the law..."

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Sunday, September 14

Middle Child Does Photoshop

find the tardis

found it.

Click on images for larger nightmares.  :D

Friday, September 12

Ep 249 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 249 Our Response to Violence. Obama’s Legacy Already?

September 11, 2014

ISIL, Ray Rice, and 9/11 all include reactions to videos of violent acts. Is violence normal? Also, the fight Obama should have fought six years ago. More at

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David Brooks blames ISIS on Woodstock.

David Letterman notices Chuck Todd Fail

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Friday, September 5

Ep 248 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 248 We're Being Trolled!

September 04, 2014

When The National Review announces their post-election Conservative Cruise, and Meet the Press decides to jazz it up with Luke Russert and Joe Scarborough, you know The Professional Left is just. being. trolled. Also, employment advice from Driftglass, and after the music we discuss our favorite David Bowie songs. More at

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Links for this episode:

World Channel - Bridge the Gulf Documentary

World Channel -  Majora Carter

Facebook - Octavia's Brood - Science Fiction and Racial Justice

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Wednesday, September 3


Also attending:  Fred Thompson, Mona Charon, Jonah Goldberg (meet him at the midnight buffet, but go through the line first!)  Allen West and John Kyl.   No, I am not making this up. 

Friday, August 29

Ep 247 The Best Of The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 247 The Best Of Show

August 28, 2014

After a ten minute intro, and before a current internet kitty and Science Fiction University, we broadcast a selection of "best of" clips, curated by our listener Scott. We hope you enjoy it! More at

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This week's Science Fiction University questions (a link to the answers appears on the page)

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