Friday, May 30

Ep 234 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 234 #YesAllWomen, #YesAllMadMen

May 29, 2014

Mitch McConnell, Cliven Bundy, and Michael Grimm walk into a bar, and Blue Gal talks Bible Bitch and #YesAllWomen. Plus after the music "You're Watching It Wrong With Driftglass" on the season finale of Mad Men.

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Friday, May 23

Ep 233 The Professional Left Podcast

Blue Gal "Mad Men"'s Herself.

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 233 Mad Men and the White America Brand Problem

May 22, 2014

"White America" is a brand, according to Driftglass. Note that there may be "Mad Men" spoilers in this podcast. Also Science Fiction University. More at Professional

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Friday, May 16

Ep 232 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 232 Slow News is Good News (for Podcasts)

May 15, 2014

On a slow news week all the crazy stuff comes to the surface (and we didn't even get to talk about the Idaho debate). Plus, we get to talk about our pet topics. BG does Bible Bitch, and DG does manufacturing employment and science fiction university. More at

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Friday, May 9

Ep 231 The Professional Left Podcast

Via The Colbert Report

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 231 - "A Great Point If It Were True"

May 08, 2014

Eric Bolling rewrites the calendar, Joe Scarborough beats up hippies. Driftglass and Blue Gal respond. Also Obamacare helps hospital patients and Alabama gets punished for their immigrant hate. More at

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Alabama is still paying for its immigrant "crackdown" law.

California school no longer assigning project to "debate" holocaust existence.

National Journal:  Are hospital patients healthier under Obamacare?

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Tuesday, May 6

Another Article I Won't Be Reading

Immigration Reform Isn't Just About Numbers--It's About Skills, Too
Since immigrants are disproportionately poorly educated, any overhaul needs to focus on bringing in fewer but more talented people.

Yeah, because all these folks had with them in the 1800's was their DISSERTATION RESEARCH:

And really, Mr. Frum, Canadians like you don't need competition from overseas.   You act like there's a shortage of former speechwriter hacks we need to resolve.  

My Proposed Compromise with Republicans

So all over Morning Jehosephat today the meme is compromise:  We give you a  Minimum Wage Hike for you passing the Keystone XL pipeline.

No, really.

"Along with Keystone, Republicans are interested in offering amendments blocking regulations on coal, and boosting liquid natural gas exports."

Coal, fracking and Keystone.  And we'll LET you give the working poor a raise?

My counterproposal:

We let you pretend you are sorta not against and kinda for the minimum wage hike because you stop blocking it.

That's it.  That's the compromise.

Friday, May 2

Ep 230 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 230 That's What The Money is For!

May 01, 2014

We discuss the money that corrupts people like Donald Sterling, read two of your letters on family and faith, and there’s also Science Fiction University. More at

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The Republicans now have a tax pledge AND an anti-immigration pledge!

Fred Clark at Patheos.

Luke 18 in the Bible translation known as "The Message."

Andrew Sullivan continues to punch himself in the face.

Ralph Nader thinks that Rand Paul kid might be on to something.  Also impeach Obama!

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