Friday, August 15

Ep 245 The Professional Left Podcast

"I guess Stalin is dead."

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 245 Ferguson and Chuck Gregory's Very Bad Product

August 14, 2014

We discuss Sarah Palin, Ferguson, the "loss" of David Gregory for Chuck Todd? and why Fox News is ready to show us some Pandas. After the music, Bible Bitch deals with a sad news week. More at

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Links for this episode:

Cal Lash on militarization of police forces, 2008.  

Daily Kos:  Michael Brown's School

HuffPo  what can white people do?

Boycott Staples

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  1. Anonymous4:05 PM

    "She's too lazy to prepare her material. That really is her problem."

    Really, Bluegal? You're going to try to narrow it down to her having *that one* problem?




    1. I think a lot of neocons would have been delighted (not to mention not totally embarrassed - I'm looking at you, Bill Kristol) if Palin had hit the books and become an expert on US-Russia relations and pro-petroleum energy policy. But she is intellectually lazy, so we get drill baby drill and ghost written hardcover bestsellers. I do think if she weren't so intellectually lazy she'd have a career in politics far higher than say, Bachmann.


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