Wednesday, November 9

Ep 362 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 362 Recovering From the Shock, 2016

November 08, 2016

Our podcast this week released the day after. We need you listeners to hang in there and work! Love you! Stay strong. xoxo (No podcast Friday)

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  1. Well... I can't be a "race traitor"; there is but one race, a human one. ...But I'm 1/16 Cherokee my mother always told me. I'll identify with that.

    Is it this which will have the orange-shirted jack-booters, breaking doors of my home, coming for me?

    I've no other choice. I earned a Bronze Star in the service of this Nation, in combat. I aspired to ideals transferred to me by methodist scientists and educators. I must continue to live up to those ideals.

    Bigotry and hatred _cannot_ be included in our Nation's fabric.

  2. I am one of many, many folks who silently take ideas and uplift from your weekly podcast. I normally don't speak up. I heard your latest podcast, though, and wanted to express my concern and best wishes for your family on the loss of your mother (now, of all times). I also want to express gratitude to your mom, who, I surmise, helped make you a remarkable inspiring person.
    Best regards for you and your family.


I really look forward to hearing what you have to say. I do moderate comments, but non-spam comments will take less than 24 hours to appear... Thanks!