Friday, December 31

Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Rahm for mayor, a challenge to Jon Stewart, and "coming out" as a Liberal.

December 30, 2010

Happy New Year! DG is suspected of Twitter shenanigans (he's innocent!), and BG kicks "adult conversations" about Social Security to the curb. Driftglass then issues a challenge to Jon Stewart, and finally we offer advice about "coming out" as a Liberal to our Red State family and neighbors. More at

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links for this episode

Jon Stewart article in The NY Times.

Brian Williams says people "lost interest" in BP Gulf disaster coverage.

Batocchio's round up of best posts of the year by the bloggers who wrote them.

The button above is available in my Cafepress Store.  The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Wednesday, December 29

Worst Editorial of the Week.

Is this one in Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal.

Its sidebar notes say

The left won't admit that Sarah Palin had a point about rationed care.

then the editorial is about how Sarah Palin sensationalized a very positive aspect of health care reform, end of life counseling, and that the WSJ had already called her on that, because end of life counseling is actually a good thing that private insurance overwhelming provides...

...but you know, when everyone wants health care and sees it as an entitlement there won't be enough to go around so people will die.   Which means Sarah Palin was right all along and people who believe in Death Panels are crazy like a FOX.


PS.  Screw "adult conversations" about cutting entitlements.  The GOP has lost all credibility about deficits when they held the nation's agenda hostage for tax cuts for millionaires.

But we do really need to have an adult conversation about death.   Because the grim reaper is going to get all of us.  Even the WSJ made a joke about 100% mortality rates in Americans over the age of zero.

Universal insurance coverage is the right, sane, compassionate, and cost-effective thing to do.  It does not mean that people won't die.  It means that people have health insurance.  That's a good thing.  People with insurance are healthier and live longer.

There are plenty of people who have insurance who are afraid or too busy or whatever to seek care when they need it.  People find out they have cancer too late, for instance.  The Ad Council stays really busy with PSA's attempting to convince people to see their doctors.

Arguing that under universal health insurance plans, people will die anyway, is stupid distracting bullshit.

PSS Karoli tells me NewsCorp is looking to hire an "Online Community Manager."   Yeah. 


Tuesday, December 28

Art and Chaos Day at Blue Gal

It's high time once again that we take a break and look at some art.  I'm visiting my parents and at my dad's studio hangout, Artists Image Resource of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, they've done amazing work with...the cement floors.

These masks are silkscreened directly onto the cement floor of the workspace, and it is as cool as it looks.  

Monday, December 27

A friend writes [about his dog]

Dear BG & DG:
I know you do not run an advice show, but I do not know where else to turn, and frankly you are both somewhat responsible.  Here is my problem.
My wife’s dog, Karma, is very smart.  Our son taught him to growl whenever he heard Rush Limbaugh’s name or voice.  The dog taught himself to shit anytime he heard Glenn Beck.  (Bad Karma!  No!  Not in the house!)
I am a relatively new iPod convert and only recently discovered how to download your podcasts.  I have taken to listening to your show early in the mornings while I walk the dog.  Karma and I used to go outside, he did his business, and then we’d quickly return to the warmth and comfort of home.  However, lately, I have kept him outside walking while I finish listening to your show.  Extending these walks has created significant tension between the dog and me.
I am afraid that an unintended consequence of your podcast is our formerly progressive dog is becoming more conservative.  Karma is probably already a Blue Dog Democrat.  The other day I caught him dry-humping the television when CNN showed a clip of Mitch McConnell.   For a brief moment I thought that he had devolved into a rabid Republican, but then I discovered that he had simply snatched the toothpaste off the bathroom counter, again. 
My wife and I are at a loss on how to retrain Karma.  When he’s bad, should I swat him with the Wall Street Journal?  Should I get him his own iPod so he can enjoy your show at his leisure?  Should I force him to watch Old Yeller and warn him to get back with the program or else?  Any advice you can offer would be appreciated. 
Happy Holidays and thank you for your insights, information and humor.

I believe in ipods for dogs, if they're permanently tuned to our podcast.  That said, I'm afraid I couldn't improve on Driftglass's answer:

A vexing question indeed.

I know of many Rescue Dog programs that purport give new purpose and direction to older dogs who have developed bad habits.  Perhaps Karma could be trained to sniff out and retrieve Liberal values from beneath the massive piles of Centrist shit under which which they routinely get buried?


Friday, December 24

In the other, better Universe...


...Sheriff Harry Reid gets word from Mister Al that Joe wants a meeting to discuss becoming a Democrat again, and gives him a warm reception:

There ain't no whore's gold, Mister Lieberman.  Not anymore.

Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

All I want for Christmas is a way to deal with my wingnut neighbors and relatives

December 23, 2010

We got emails this week asking what to do about "People of the Lie" in our own micro-lives. We don't have much practical advice, but we do have experience. In other news, is there something in the DNA that makes us liberal? And in the end, Blue Gal has a very special holiday gift for Driftglass's "collection" ? More at

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I wish I could tell you exactly how to deal with the conservative you will invariably have at your Christmas table, if you're lucky enough to have family with you this holiday. That's right, consider the alternative. Also, as the hymn says,

Love more for every hate, and fear no ill, for God is good....

Merry Christmas.

The button above is available in my Cafepress Store.  The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Wednesday, December 22

Julian Assange's future is assured.

Julian Dahlink, from now on, all your Asian groupies are 'made in China,' since you're revealed to be such an adorable sweetheart of a love muffin in this interview [WARNING - link goes to autoplay]

He said he believed the most probable explanation for the allegations was that two women "found out that they were mutual lovers of mine and they had unprotected sex and they got into a tizzy about whether there was a possibility of sexually transmitted diseases.".

MUTUAL LOVERS!?! Just under the wire, it's the euphemism of the year!

And "tizzy"? Oh don't worry about the misogyny, Monsieur Assange, you won't have to be in proximity to a real woman again, um, ever.

To be clear, "mutual lovers" does not tranlate into "victims" of anything other than truly dickish behavior on the part of a free speech hero who is also a cad.

Also, reading the European press on the issue (which is really important h/t Susie Bright, always worth the listen) it's clear the charges are complicated by laws different from ours.*** The women involved may or may not have a case against Assange in a European court of law, and definitely do in the court of public opinion, but any debate about "rape charges" requires figuring out what Sweden thinks that is, and that will be played out in the courts, not the blogs.

***By the way, feminists should stop linking MoFo Wapo without a warning, and certainly not as their "evidence" that this is all about rape. Find some serious journalism or don't blog about it.

Tuesday, December 21

The End of Zappadan, Day Zero

Once again it's time to break out Alicia Policia's yellow snow cupcakes, which unlike the yellow snow, you are supposed to eat in honor of Frank Zappa's Birthday.

I hope everyone had a very happy Zappadan.

Friday, December 17

Our Weekly Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

"No Labels", Sanders, and Full Metal Mondale

December 16, 2010

We refuse to spend the podcast talking about Bill Clinton, though DG is tempted to talk exactly like him. The No Labels nonsense, and why the media has a vested interest in the DC status quo (follow the money). Why it's more likely Bernie Sanders will become a Blade Runner than primary Obama. By the way, is it time to abolish the Senate? We're just, you know, 'asking the question.' More at

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We had problems with Skype and had to record this in four different segments, but we persisted! I'm grateful for the free programs I use to put this together and the programmers who made them, and to Driftglass for his patience with me as I channeled my bitchy sound editor.

The button above is available in my Cafepress Store.  The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

gifts for the kid's teachers

Knit while listening to Al Franken books on tape.

mitten 1

mitten 2

mitten 3

These are designed as intentionally wild and crazy to be worn on the playground or during car / bus rider duty. Knit from yarn I already own, so they're less expensive than homemade cookies, even. Frugality plus creativity FTW!

PS the top photo... mitten number two is in the works but DS doesn't have last day of school until next Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 15

From Congressman Shimkus's Congressional Newsletter

Congressman Shimkus reminded me that December 15 is Bill of Rights Day:

“With all the overreaching and unconstitutional legislation coming out of this Congress, its more important than ever for We The People to know what the Constitution does and does not empower Congress to do.“

Apparently Congress is empowered to make billionaires richer, but nothing else, especially if we're interferring with God's disposal of the environment.

Monday, December 13

How Country Music is Sarah Palin willing to go?

This cracked me up:

It was an unscripted moment on Sarah Palin's tour to promote her new book, "America by Heart." As hundreds of Palin's fans filed inside a cordoned off area of a northern Iowa Walmart today, this CNN crew popped the question asked of countless potential White House contenders: "Are you any closer to an announcement on running for President?"

The country music that Palin's handlers had blaring at the signing station presumably to drown out such questions suddenly stopped. We asked the question again.

"Am I doing interviews?" the former Alaska governor asked. "I thought I got to talk to the nice people. And where's our music and where's our good enthusiasm?" she persisted.

A WALMART?  IN IOWA?  And they have to ask the question?  She wants the blaring country music and only talk to the nice people!

But how country music is she willing to go?

Where's my country music and enthusiasm? 
"The Best Little Bore-House in Texas"

Careful Quitty!  Newt is willing to go full Porter Wagoner on your ass.

PS.  While we're still keeping count, she also lied to Barbara Walters, who asked her about critics accusing her of losing the Senate for the GOP.  I'm not talking about the "impotent and limp" thing, either.  Hey, if her instinct tells her to talk about cock to keep people interested in her I can't argue. 

But the Grifter has to be careful when she says they're mostly anonymous critics who say things against her.  Congressman Spencer Bachus (who said the "she lost us the Senate" statement on the record), Joe Scarborough, and Karl Rove are not anonymous critics.  Neither are the majority of Republican primary voters who think she's not qualified to run their PTA meeting. 

Friday, December 10

Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Did we lose the White House without an Election?

December 09, 2010

Great disappointment with POTUS. Why Christmas is a terrible time for a lame duck session, and we cheer ourselves with a reminder that it's Zappadan, a blog-based celebration of all things Frank Zappa (Dec 4-Dec 21). More at

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The button above is available in my Cafepress Store.  The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Thursday, December 9


The GOP is gonna have that fabulous Reagan tribute at their 2012 convention after they've shit all over his START treaty.   Human KIND should have been his business.  And theirs.

By the way Reagan lover Jim DeMint thinks unemployment insurance payments should come in the form of a loan to encourage people to go back to work.  No, really.  Because of course unemployed people aren't  borrowing enough money for food.  

Are there no workhouses? 

Wednesday, December 8

It's like waking up next to a stranger?

Or kissing a frog, and finding's a frog?

So you wake up next to your partner, the one you helped through college, suffered and survived the first couple years, and this morning you find out he SOLD YOUR CAR and gave the money to Rich Uncle Dick.


"Well, yeah, Uncle Dick is a really difficult family member, and he was going to disinherit everybody if I didn't give him some big money, so I sold your car and gave him the money. He'll be nice to everyone now. It's not the deal I really wanted, but it's the best we can do."


"Okay, get all sanctimonious and be right about everything, like you always do. See where that gets you with Uncle Dick."


"Well, obviously, you don't know what it's like to actually get things done."

We've now hit a really bad spot in this marriage, Mister P. And you're not even following rules of proper engagement.

Monday, December 6

What would make me feel better about the tax cut deal.

Is if the checks looked like this:



And if you have Direct Deposit it says on your bank statement "YOU'RE WELCOME. BARACK OBAMA"

Since this White House will get no credit for anything good that comes of this deal whatsoever, I don't even know why he didn't come out swinging instead.  But then again, I'm part of the problem.

Obama's problem is that he's a Socialist liberal Marxist out to destroy America.  Hey, since he's gonna do the time, he should do the crime.

Friday, December 3

Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Hey Obama, Get Your Head Out of Your Asperger's!

December 02, 2010

We discuss Wikileaks, then BG diagnoses Obama as being the victim of his own high-functioning autistic experiment, working with good intentions to undo the "Imperial Presidency". [BG then gets so mad at Congress that we actually have to bleep her.] Why FOX news is like the Catholic Church, and DG tells of the best jobs program you've never heard of. More at

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DG mentions Anderson Cooper's interview with a Texas Birther, which is here.

The button above is available in my Cafepress Store.  The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registraion at Professional Left.

Wednesday, December 1

A modest proposal on "needs" testing Medicare

I'm waking up to NPR these days.

And this morning's story on Medicare cracked me up.  "Health policy analyst Jeff Goldsmith, who has studied the boomer generation" had this to say about the boomers coming on to Medicare this year:

"I think the baby boomers do not have the same type of emotional, almost galvanic skin response to Medicare politics that their parents did, because I don't think the typical baby boomer has thought for more than five minutes about the effect of Medicare on their lives, because they're not old," Goldsmith says. "And Medicare is perceived as something for old people."
The boomers are not old!  And NEVER WILL BE!  That's why they keep electing congressmen over and over again into their 90's.  As long as your Senator is, say, 20 years older than YOU, you're young!  You're young!

Infographic:  Your Congressman is Old.

So here's my modest solution.   Medicare begins a Alternative Program.  Call it MediYoung -- for younger Medicare recipients!   That'll get 'em.

And here's the deal:  It's a $250.00 copay per incident plus a thousand dollar deductible for anything beyond annual checkups and screenings -- but it covers Botoxic and Duvajerm and anti-aging hypnosis whatever up to three times a year.   So the terminally vain get a little discount on their vanity surgery and the taxpayer gets a big discount on anything else that happens to them.    And once they sign up, they can't switch out of it, ever.

But this is such bullshit.  Does that analyst know how many 50-64-and-eleven-months Americans are COUNTING THE DAYS until they FINALLY have single payer, not for profit health insurance?  Because now they have NONE?  Give me a break.


Speaking of vanity, I notice the Kardashian's predatory lending debit card for Princesses has been discontinued.   Here's the deal:

First there are the upfront costs. For a six-month card customers pay $59.95, or $99.95 for a 12-month card. (The median fee for similar, non-Kardashian-festooned products is $10.) After those six or 12 months, there is the $7.95 monthly fee to keep using it. Users pay a $1.50 fee to withdraw cash at an ATM and a $1 fee to check their balance. They pay $1.50 to speak with a customer service representative. If they lose their card, they have to pay $9.95 to replace it. If they want to cancel their card, they have to pay $6.
Wow, how stupid do you have to be to look rich?

But thanks Kardashians! I always love an opportunity to pull out these babies:

The Karl Marx Mastercard:

The Che Guevara Visa:

And my personal favorite, the Emma Goldman mugshot Discover Card ("The Card with Payback tm")