We discuss the lay of the land in Chicago given the NATO and CTU protests. Is a new Civil War coming? And Driftglass wins the "when will Newt be back on Meet the Press" bet with Blue Gal. More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com.
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I bet on the slow news weekend following the Fourth of July; Driftglass said June at the latest. He wins.
Don't get me started on what a deplorable, meaningless sewage pit Meet the Press is, or how completely not a "reporter" David Gregory is. Shame on that POS forever.
Hey Reince Priebus! How you gonna keep Orly down on the farm now?
Seriously, the State of Hawaii should sue in Federal Court any other state that calls their birth certificate sovereignty into question. STATES RIGHTS! (I'm lookin' at you, Arizona)
And now the totally logical response to the Arizona shenanigans from some Yippees is to start a petition to get the Secretary of State to PROVE that Mitt Romney is not a unicorn. But that site's photoshop is kinda basic. Here ya go:
Because really. We in the U S of A realize that there are some truths that while obvious and blatant, you just don't exclaim out loud, like "Lindsay Graham, what a flaming homosexual."
Angela Merkel needs to remember that while
"A united Europe means Deutchland gets to run everything, what part of Anschluß do you not understand?"
Actually saying that, in this instance telling another country how to hold a "get out of the euro free*" referendum after you arranged for a sacking of the last leader in that very same country who tried to hold that same referendum and besides, they can't under a little quaint thingy they call their national constitution. Ja genau das ist vergnügt!
And seriously, come over here, sit down with some Governors of some of the comparatively wealthy northeastern states, and ask them about West Virginia and Mississippi. At least the welfare case of your "United States of Europe" has delish stuffed grape leaves.
Driftglass listened to the audiobook of Rachel Maddow’s “Drift” this week (HIGHLY recommended!), and that leads to a convo on citizenship, the history of war, and money. Also, if Gawker outed Robin Roberts, did “Good Housekeeping” push her back in the closet? More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com
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After a very delicious Mother's Day breakfast in bed (DG is very good at le pampering), I went to the doc-in-the-box and got treated for bronchitis. NOT a tradition.
Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and all the moms out there. xoxo
We miss Maurice Sendak, get a great letter from a prison guard, and can states reject treaties that haven’t even been ratified? Can a crazy congresswoman give away the other half of her citizenship, too? More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com
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We discuss whether Fox News (let alone Romney himself) wants Romney to lose the White House. Should Occupy be the Left's Tea Party? And a renaissance in new progressive media starts with supporting the many new podcasts out there. More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com.
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My better half reminds me that today is the anniversary of the day a president didn't even think about using the military to score political points.
PS. Anyone praying that Condi Rice gets to be Vice President on the GOP ticket (REALLY, ASSHOLES? Black woman candidate is gonna save you?) better vett her financials first. The amount of money these criminals made in 2003 and ran out the door with in 2008 will look really really bad.