Friday, August 31

Ep 143 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 143: Dotty Harry at the RNC (and Mitt's Taxes)

August 30, 2012

It’s the RNC Week in Review! More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.comAlso, no matter what happens, we want to see Mitt Romney's tax returns.

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Links for this episode:

The New York (Effin) Times: Tax Credits Shed Light on Romney

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Thursday, August 30

It's the Night We've ALL Been Waiting For!

And no, I don't mean Mitt Romney night (who invited him?) but REAGAN TRIBUTE NIGHT at the RNC!!! Featuring Newt and Callista Gingrich! Yay!  Click images for larger:

take a drink every time Newt mentions a product sold by Gingrich Enterprises!

I feel sorry for Marcus Bachmann: He had such plans.

Friday, August 24

The end of Sununu Week? Say it ain't so, Joe!

I know, I shoulda stayed classy like Sununu did with Soledad O'Brien.  Thanks to everyone who had fun with Sununu this week!  

Ep 142 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 142 Spastic Tubes and Netflix Queues

August 23, 2012

We discuss the Akin Abortion A-hole-ery and recommend three old movies that help explain the current political extremeism, even though they’re from the sixties. More at

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Thursday, August 23

Sununu Week - Blows your MIND.

Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see
It's getting hard to be someone
But it all works out
It doesn't matter much to me....


Monday, August 20

Saturday, August 18

At Long Last, People! It's SUNUNU WEEK!

Sununu Week

I know kids, we've all been waiting, but here it is, the opening ceremonies of SUNUNU WEEK.   Driftglass and I challenge our fellow bloggers, facebookers and photoshoppers to come up with one or many John Sununu themed posts, shops, musical numbers, what have you.   Have fun!  Or get serious.  But make it a SUNUNU WEEK, "Because Agnew is Dead." (tm)

Friday, August 17

Ep 141 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 141 The Return of John Galt and Plato’s “Noble Lie”

August 16, 2012

Romney’s taxes (still!) Choice of Ryan means Rupert runs the show (still!) And how preconceived notions govern public opinion for better or worse. More at

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Links for this episode:

Douglas County (Kansas) clerk Jamie Shew helps voters get ID.

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And here, as promised, is a picture of middle child's hand-made "Bangladesh doll."

Tuesday, August 14

The Florida Headline Kos Forgot to Publish

This past Sunday Daily Kos pointed to Florida newspaper headlines that spell trouble for the Romney/Ryan ticket.  Kos forgot one.  :D

Friday, August 10

Ep 140 The Professional Left Podcast - Listen Free Here!

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 140 Media Segregation and the History of Liberals Being Right

August 09, 2012

Responding to a listener’s letter, we discuss specific historical events where liberals have been right all along. Also defending the Joe Coptic ad, dealing with crazy conservative emails from Uncle Fester, and why there is no “debate” on television news. More at

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Links for this episode:

Driftglass and Blue Gal appear on the podcast The Shannon Files

Selective Outrage on Left and Right (Alex Wagner on Last Word - Ari Melber and Michelle Goldberg) -- LINK OPENS VIDEO FILE

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He's NOT a murderer!

Podcast in just a few minutes.

Thursday, August 9

Hey Debbie Wasserman-Schultz! Here's an idea!

Sign the check to fully fund Sarah Palin parachuting into the RNC Queen Elizabeth style.

Or maybe that's more of a Priorities USA thing.  Love them.

Wednesday, August 8

Remember those books where you looked for the guy in the red hat?

And were they willing to resort to the racism card and even own up to RomneyCare to CHANGE THE SUBJECT?

Rushbo's apoplectic fit actually helps you out, Mitt?

Just asking the QUESTION.

Friday, August 3

Ep 139 The Professional Left Podcast (Listen for Free Here!)

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 139 Conservatives on Facebook - Debate Opponents or Energy Vampires?

August 02, 2012

Can we really “debate” conservatives on Facebook? How to win and when to run. Also, Mitt Romney is completely unprepared to be President. More at

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Thursday, August 2

Because all your orgasms should be mini 9/11's?

I really think we could go somewhere with the marketing on this, as the "Live in Infamy" dollar is a good dollar.  Thank you, Mike Kelly!  (Huffpo via RH Reality Check)
"I know in your mind, you can think of the times America was attacked," [currently sitting CONGRESSMAN Mike Kelly (R-PA)] said at a press conference on Capitol Hill. "One is Dec. 7, that's Pearl Harbor Day. The other is Sept. 11, and that's the day the terrorists attacked. I want you to remember Aug. 1, 2012, the attack on our religious freedom. That is a day that will live in infamy, along with those other dates." 
Wednesday marked the first day private insurers must include birth control coverage without charging a co-pay in their plans, per requirements in the Affordable Care Act.'

Driftglass says it lends a whole new meaning to "V-J" Day.  :D

My favorite submitted caption for Romney with the Queen

Thanks to everyone who submitted such clever comments, including Burning Bush who submitted the above.  (Sorry to be late with the results I was busy with the #RomneyPython hashtag on twitter.