Tuesday, October 30

Happy Birthday to my Wonderful Husband

Sure.  Click image for larger.

In addition to being such an amazing blogger, he's also the very best husband, an amazing stepdad, and a wonderful guy.  xoxo  

(No comments here, go over to his place and leave a note, buy him a shot of single malt, wish him well.  He's not really on Facebook.  Thanks.)   

Friday, October 26

Ep 151 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 151 Stop Your Robocalls, Callista Gingrich!

October 25, 2012

The Professional Left gets a robocall from Newt’s former mistress. The final Presidential debate is me-too Mitt. Also should we cover “reasonable conservatives”? More at professionalleft.blogspot.com.

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Friday, October 19

Ep 150 The Professional Left Podcast

from http://bindersfullofwomen.tumblr.com/ 

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 150 Town Hall Debate and Can We Ignore Certain Right-Wing Lunatics Yet?

October 18, 2012

We discuss the Town Hall Debate (Good Obama Showed Up!) and try to figure out if ignoring Ann Coulter and others will do any good. Also, why the Serenity Prayer is useless when it comes to global warming and the future of planet Earth. More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com

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PS People are asking about the prayer that I read on the air. Here it is.

[click the image for larger]

Monday, October 15

I hate to do this to POTUS the night before his big foreign policy debate...

But I was checking the top 100 podcasts for "News and Politics" on Stitcher Radio and...

I'm afraid you'll just have to eat our dust, Mister P.

Friday, October 12

Ep 149 The Professional Left Podcast

via Media Matters

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 149 BIDEN'D!

October 11, 2012

The Biden/Ryan debate versus High School Debate Rules. Blue Gal forced to watch FOX. And why we won’t eat out of Tom Brokaw’s cereal bowl. And a letter from a listener on the drug war and what do we do about Obama’s conservatism? More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com

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Tuesday, October 9

But enough about me, what does ANDREW SULLIVAN think of me?

He was good at it before, but it's only under the tutelage of Tina Brown that Sully has really excelled at the "LOOK AT ME BEING TOTALLY OUTRAGEOUS" attention whoring.  

Friday, October 5

Ep 148 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 148 Debate Fail? Or High Broderism on Parade?

October 04, 2012

Romney lies his way to victory, but as Driftglass says this week, "the problem with our system is not that Republicans are liars. The problem with our system is that nobody calls them out on it." And thanks to our listeners! This week we hit one MILLION total downloads! More at ProfessionalLeft.blogspot.com.

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PS. I wish there was a better version of this online but I haven't found it. From "Guide for the Married Man." Very Mitt like, eh?