Shouldn't this blog be more Angry and Outraged? And What's With the Knitting Mumbo Jumbo?
Look, it's time to look ahead to the future, ya know, adopt that cute blue mascot and WIN ONE IN 2008!

Except, uh, and I really hate to be the one to point this out, Mr. Dean, but Blue the Donkey reminds me way too much of this retired guy:

And also sorry, Blue Gal is just burning out on the whole insidious evil of the current admin.
Did she just say that?

in other news...
You mean to tell me that even Anakin Skywalker got made by the Presbyterian Church? Wait, I thought only Catholics were having those kinda problems. But here's irrefutable proof:

Oh, here. It's funny and it's from Beirut. Go figure.
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