Friday, September 28

Ep 147 The Professional Left Podcast -- corrected

by Shira Glezerman  

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 147 CORRECTED. Republican Denialism Will Rise Again!

September 27, 2012

[The earlier upload of this podcast had some dead air in the first ten minutes. This episode is corrected.] This was the week Republican Denialism reached its own polls, math, and even the election itself. What would Jesus say? And who would he dope slap? More at

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The 1001 Burkean Nights of David Brooks.

George Soros shakes out the sofa cushions.

The madness of Bay Buchanan.

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Being All Ladylike With Todd Akin

click image for larger

Friday, September 21

Ep 146 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 146: 47% and Mitt Romney’s Political Sister Wives

September 20, 2012

Mitt Romney’s secret video and how many sides of his GOP “family” think he’s cheating on them. More at

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Tuesday, September 18

A Note on Neocons and "Anti-Semites"

Sweet Kosher Crackers Maureen Dowd and a certain blogger I sleep with have both been dragged through a "you're being an anti-Semite" stew just because they noticed that Romney has surrounded himself with Neocons from the George W. Bush administration.

 Listen up, Republican Party people, it's not our fault that so many of those same Neocons who worked for Bush and want back in the White House under Romney (and really, what the hell?) are Jews of a certain generation and political stripe. (OOH! She said stripe! That's obviously a holocaust prison camp uniform reference! She's an anti-Semite!)

Paul Wolfowicz's World Bank Scandal happened after he and his not-to-be-named ethnicity Neocon Club got us into a war that made him, the Vice President (Jewish? I don't think so), and many others rich. They did it for money and to please their own brand of theocracy. (Anti-Semite reference to Jews and money, oh my G-d!!!)

This Brandeis graduate (Affirmative Action, bitchez!) has faced greater sieges from stupid self-serving bullies who-just-so-happened-to-be-Jews than you could ever know. And if anyone attempts to deflect criticism of the worst foreign policy in the history of America --by calling any critic of that policy and the ASSHOLES who put it into practice-- an anti-Semite, a holocaust denier, a Nazi, an enemy of peace (yeah THAT one), in any way, I gotta big bag of kosher candy hearts for ya right here:

The first box is for you, John Bolton. And may God have mercy on your soul.

Monday, September 17

No, really @Wonkette, you suck at photoshop.

I was sick earlier today and unable to beat DG to the wailing wall of photoshop fail that is Wonkette's Liz Cheney as Dick Cheney or whatever:

from Wonkette, and really, WTF, duuudes.
Had I been well and able to sit up in bed, it would have been an in-house, intra-marriage Photoshop race. I would have won.

Or, maybe no fair because I didn't use the same original photos:

Friday, September 14

A NSFW Memo to the Kansas Election People

Ep 145 The Professional Left Podcast - Romney and Libya

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 145 Learning from Willard’s Libya Lies

September 13, 2012

We use the words “Poor Romney” for the first and last time. Also, a few words about Presidents and War, and the Chicago Teacher’s Strike. More at

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Wednesday, September 12

A little close to my home, @Willatwork

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Below is an old gif, currently @willatwork 's avatar on twitter, but it's also creepily close to what my husband looked like when Mark Helperin Halperin (thanks commenters) said "both sides" on Hardball in response to today's Romney Fail.


PS It's okay Reince. You only have Fifty Eight More Days of This. Then they'll fire you. But never, ever Mark Halperin.

Friday, September 7

Ep 144 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 144 The Democratic Convention and Twitter Fun

September 06, 2012

We talk about the DNC and how using Twitter while watching has changed us. Also, how atheists and believers can actually get along, without this whole God Pandering mumbo jumbo. More at

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Medicaid covers more than half the births in Illinois

Romney Doesn't Just Want to Cut Medicare, He Wants to Cut Medicaid Too

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