Wednesday, September 7

Blue Gal was KIDDING!!!

[we interrupt this post for late breaking news]

OMG! Blue Gal posted a JOKE to some other blogs re waiting for Halliburton to get a no bid contract to clean up after Katrina.


Back to the broadcast...which was originally titled Exxpose Exxon.


Get your cool shirt at Demokratees.

Blue Gal's local Exxon station had regular at $3.19 until the Birmingham News said anything over $3.13 was gouging. $2.99 seems the universal fashion now. Blue Gal doesn't want gas to be cheap. But the profits should go to something like, oh, universal health insurance? How 'bout it? $4.50 a gallon and anybody who wants to can get Medicare?

Martian Anthropologist has more time to blog than Blue Gal, methinks. He beat me to it with his awards today. Al Franken in his book "Lies and the Lying Liars" has quite a riff on Barbara Bitch, I mean, Bush.

Blue Gal has a new hottie hero in Keith Olbermann. Needs Blue Gal's fingers to fluff up his hair tho. But the editorial gets a smooch: mmmmwah!

Let's add Crooks and Liars to the Blue Gal sidebar. Looks good there.


  1. But the profits should go to something like, oh, universal health insurance? How 'bout it? $4.50 a gallon and anybody who wants to can get Medicare?

    I love it! You've just invented TAXES!

    In Europe they do the same thing, call it a welfare state, and think our attitude here in the US is very odd. In Israel they do the same thing, only take 5% of their GDP in "foreign aid" on the US dime.

    In the US it's sink or swim, every family on its own. And this makes sense because... ...uh..., you're absoltely right. Taxes beat the heck out of the way we're doing things right now.

  2. But the profits should go to something like, oh, universal health insurance? How 'bout it? $4.50 a gallon and anybody who wants to can get Medicare?

    Yup! That's called Britain.


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