Thursday, June 28

Sexy sex time with Scotus

Point 1:  Conservative interneters who are comforting themselves in the delusion that John Roberts just handed them a gift by "gutting" the Commerce Clause are just poking through the shit sandwich of today's ruling looking for a pickle.  

And think about it:  these assholes are comforting themselves that while there still might be an increase in HEALTH CARE INSURANCE OWNERSHIP among the American populace, maybe! maybe! maybe! down the road the court will now!  finally! be able to UNDO CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION.   And they boo gay active duty military.   Special place in Hell, people, special place in Hell.

John Roberts may be a conservative dick, but he considers himself a higher class of people than you Tea Party Glenn Beck ejaculators, and I am convinced that the reason he voted today the way he did is, very simply,  he does not want to be associated with you people. 

Point 2:  Shame on you, Nancy Pelosi, for claiming that Ted Kennedy can now rest knowing that this extremely conservative version of health insurance reform has been upheld by a conservative Chief Justice, while corporations are people even in Montana, and the unemployment rate is above 8 and the national minimum wage is below 8.   Ted Kennedy can rest because he's dead.  The cause still endures and the dream shall never die and THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER because the greed has not stopped.


Point 3:  What The American Bear said.   It would have been awful if the in the tank Supremes had overturned this.  But this is still a victory for private insurance companies and big pharma.   Victory dance, with a twist toward single payer, bitchez.


  1. Love and appreciate you more with every post! Thanks for all you do, so well.

  2. First off, I LOVE the Ted Kennedy rant.
    You gotta listen to the whole thing....

    2nd off- This health care reform is *crumbs*. It's a piece of crap, dregs of a "reform", that leaves the for-profit ins companies at the helm, still running the show.
    So when the lockstep GOP repeat the talking point "this will lose jobs) (my post today NOW they care about jobs?) well guess what -- adding all those 18 to 26 year olds, who are generally healthy as new clients IS creating jobs for the ins industry.

    Another GOP talking point is-- this is going to raise rates.
    Well for fuck's sake- I'm old enough to know insurance companies have always raised rates. That's *old news*, and they seem to completely fail to address the topic that having people showing up in emergency rooms for basic care because they can't be refused -costs us all a whole lot as well- not to mention billions in unpaid medical care in hospitals due to lack of funds.
    Not to mention what kind of society allows some people to literally die on the streets for lack of basic care?

    The US is the only industrialized country w/o universal health care.
    Too big to fail?
    Too much profit to go public option, is more like it.

    So we have mediocre health care reform & now the GOP is worried about jobs... funny- they fought like hell for tax cuts for the rich... did not seem to give a rip about jobs.

    The fact they have their panties in a knot over this is priceless.

    Some working stiff might get medical or dental care, while all those clowns on the hill have the Cadillac health care coverage.

  3. I agree that the fight is not over by a long shot, but I took Pelosi's words more as a salute to Ted Kennedy and a kind gesture toward his widow, Vicki. It's polite hyperbole, not really aimed at we activists. I don't mind so much as long as, at some point, Pelosi and the rest of the Dems make clear that they passed a conservative reform package that accomplishes some good but is a far cry from optimal. (Even Obama hinted at this in his speech today, although real progress is up to Congress.) Single-payer universal coverage still needs to happen.

  4. Amendment: Per American Bear, the states are a better bet for reform, especially given the sorry state of Congress. Create some critical mass, and then...


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