A recent addition to the Blue Gal blogroll, Real Mother's Revenge, asks a great question:
If there were such a thing as a fantasy camp for mothers, what would your camp include? (I'm paraphrasing.)
While I love her idea of Dr. Phil telling the world that my butt is NOT too big, I actually kinda get my own fantasy camp at Madrona Fiber Arts each winter. AL, Akabini, booze, yarn, my own hotel room. There is not much more I could ask for. Oh, and akabini is always good for telling me my butt is NOT too big.
Go over to Real Mother's Revenge and visit, bookmark, etc. I'll check in to see what you say. Boys, should I invite you too, so you can add your own fantasy camp ideas? Nah. We got plenty of that with your edible panty orders a couple days ago.
Happy birthday to the late Cesar Chavez. It's been quite a week for your constituency, amigo.
Update: Oh, man! It's Al Gore's birthday too. Cheers, doll.
And how nice that I can say have a nice weekend without asking all of you to pray for Jill Carroll. Of course, she and I both want you to pray for all the other captives, Iraqi and otherwise. We can do nothing less. The Christian Science Monitor is publishing some great letters of celebration from around the world. I especially liked this one:
What thrilling gratitude and joy I have for Jill's release. Now I ask myself, "How can I convert the energy of this joy into positive efforts to correct the tragic mistakes that led to this war and injustice?"
Bill Kilgour, Madison, Wis., USA
Thanks for the referral, RMR is bookmarked. Not only did I visit BUT I commented too. Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone was a good blogger like me?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the inspiration, QuarterMistress! Here's on for you. I'm rather partial to it meself.
Let's try and get that all in the comment, shall we? ;)
While we're being empowering about our body acceptance, may I be a bit of a smartass and say thusly...
ReplyDelete"God, Al Gore has put on the pounds, huh?"
Oooh, Anna's cute. Don't tell her I'm short and bald, 'kay? (At least I don't have to include 'paunchy' anymore. But I forgot 'hairy'. Is that a problem?)
ReplyDeleteMy fantasy camp: this would include daily shiatsu. But, you know? this would make a great post all by itself. I'll sleep on it.
Your ass is shapely and ripe. @What else would you want? (Is it wrong of my to observe that from a single lunch?)
ReplyDeleteGee, thanks Doug. Nothing like a compliment with my cup of coffee in the morning.
ReplyDeleteDon't anyone tell him I'm short too.
Anna is WAY cute, and Captain Dyke, like blue gal, strangely resembles Angelina Jolie.
ReplyDeleteBitter Old Punk reveals himself to be an advanced thinker. Most guys after one lunch haven't gotten past my boobs. Especially sitting next to Loretta. We made quite a pair, er, foursome, n'est-ce pas?