Next thing you know, someone will be marketing Hello Kitty/Strawberry Shortcake/Care Bear underbust corsets for the into-infantilism sex worker. Oh, nevermind.
I would be grateful if someone would give me "permission" to vote for a candidate based on the issues. Hillary Clinton's foreign policy is a hawkish nightmare. She tells AIPAC that nuclear weapons are "on the table" vis-a-vis Iran? Could I please be "allowed" to vote against nuclear armageddon without being told my feminism isn't seasoned enough?
And the idea that I have to support the tactics of James Carville, Sandy Berger, and Terry McCauliffe in order to show gratitude to my mother? She would spit.
Do we as women want to be taken seriously as strong, intelligent, capable voters? Then we can't make special pleas based on gender with no regard to the issues at hand.
Harper’s Magazine has taken a look at the giving by Sen. John McCain’s foundation and writes it has primarily given money to private schools his children have attended.
In the article by Ken Silverstein, he writes that from 2001 to 2006, the foundation awarded $1.6-million, with $500,000 going to Xavier College Preparatory and other “elite” schools the couple’s four children attended.
“There’s nothing illegal or improper about the foundation’s contributions,” writes Mr. Silverstein, “but it’s not exactly the pattern of giving you’d expect from someone who has cultivated an anti-elitist image.”
A spokesman for Mr. McCain told Mr. Silverstein that the giving simply reflected the couple’s charitable interests.
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop." |
It’s high time that the authors of the Bush administration’s legal recipe book for torture be brought out of the kitchen and into the courtroom. Yet despite volumes of highly credible evidence of human rights crimes, or even war crimes, a negligent Congress continues to fail miserably in its responsibility to mandate proper investigations into these cruel policies.
The United States’ moral and political standing in the world have completely eroded, and legitimate prosecutions of crimes against humanity against the United States have been compromised. Congress must finally face its own complicity in torture with concrete measures — not shortsighted hearings — by ordering a full, independent investigation into how torture became United States modus operandi and holding those responsible accountable.
What I fear with a Clinton presidency is a White House influenced by the same element that is directing her campaign: More hard-line foreign policy decisions and direction, more military engagement to protect and shore-up the right wing elements in Israel, more of the Republican playbook when it comes to protecting and rewarding corporate polluters, more industry/government coziness in federal oversight of public safety when it comes to our food supply, drugs and consumer protections.
I don’t see myself ever pointing to a portrait of a President Hillary Clinton and telling my young nieces that therein lies proof they can achieve anything they want as women, because I will also need to tell them about the power brokering, criminal, wealthy white men of questionable morals who helped to get her there.
I agree with Gloria Steinem that it’s time to put women first, and for me, feminism means putting the welfare of my country first.
oh you make me laugh. You're talking to a KUCINICH supporter. Obama is my FOURTH choice. Hillary is my FIFTH.
And McCain didn't make the cut.
I just wish Fidel Castro would come in as a savior and end this madness.
Ms. Magazine's April issue promises to be a boffo sellout as the editors have finagled a contest to give away a one-night fantasy with everyone's favorite sensitive male, Rush Limbaugh.
Last night we caught up with Rushie and his new love interest Gloria Steinem, at the Fashion Institute's benefit honoring the history of the long line girdle. Ms. Steinem was clearly hoping for an intimate evening, but for the sake of the magazine she did let us in on how she acquired the talents of the shy, retiring gentleman from Cape Girardeau: "Well," she said, blushing demurely, "being such a huge fan of Limbaugh, I told him that I listen to him every morning and I think he works too hard. We Ms. girls got together after scrapbooking class and decided to do him a favor and find him a girlfriend because we think he's too busy to date, poor guy, and to our surprise, Sugar Booger was a good sport about it and agreed."
The lucky winner, who will be selected just in time for Mother's Day, will win a free dinner with Rush at her choice of Hooters or Olive Garden, and tickets to a screening of "I Think I Love My Wife."
(happy April Fool's Day, everyone)