Friday, June 29

Ep 134 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 134 The SCOTUS End of the World Edition

June 28, 2012

SCOTUS decision causes a right wing meltdown; Driftglass recovers from surgery (really), and the new MSNBC show proves a horrible disappointment. More at

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Thursday, June 28

Sexy sex time with Scotus

Point 1:  Conservative interneters who are comforting themselves in the delusion that John Roberts just handed them a gift by "gutting" the Commerce Clause are just poking through the shit sandwich of today's ruling looking for a pickle.  

And think about it:  these assholes are comforting themselves that while there still might be an increase in HEALTH CARE INSURANCE OWNERSHIP among the American populace, maybe! maybe! maybe! down the road the court will now!  finally! be able to UNDO CIVIL RIGHTS LEGISLATION.   And they boo gay active duty military.   Special place in Hell, people, special place in Hell.

John Roberts may be a conservative dick, but he considers himself a higher class of people than you Tea Party Glenn Beck ejaculators, and I am convinced that the reason he voted today the way he did is, very simply,  he does not want to be associated with you people. 

Point 2:  Shame on you, Nancy Pelosi, for claiming that Ted Kennedy can now rest knowing that this extremely conservative version of health insurance reform has been upheld by a conservative Chief Justice, while corporations are people even in Montana, and the unemployment rate is above 8 and the national minimum wage is below 8.   Ted Kennedy can rest because he's dead.  The cause still endures and the dream shall never die and THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER because the greed has not stopped.


Point 3:  What The American Bear said.   It would have been awful if the in the tank Supremes had overturned this.  But this is still a victory for private insurance companies and big pharma.   Victory dance, with a twist toward single payer, bitchez.

Wednesday, June 27

Professional Left Podcast beating Cavuto, Beck, and Limbaugh on Stitcher Radio

To see the rankings for yourself, go here and click on the "News and Politics" category.  That little flame next to our change in rank means, we're on fire!

If you use Stitcher Radio's app to listen to podcasts, you can improve our ranking by emailing the podcast from Stitcher to yourself or someone else, or share it via Stitcher on Facebook or Twitter.

Oh yeah, and Cavuto?  Yer Biden'd!

Sunday, June 24

Bonus Podcast: A Conversation with @HalSparks

Photo:  The Boston Phoenix
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Politics, Sex, and Religion with Comedian Hal Sparks

June 23, 2012

On behalf of Crooks and, Driftglass and Blue Gal have a conversation with comedian and social activist Hal Sparks. Hal will be touring with John Fugelsang on the "Politics, Sex, and Religion Tour" starting summer of 2012.

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This was a lot of fun. Thanks to Hal Sparks for taking the time to talk to us.

Friday, June 22

Professional Left Podcast Ep 133

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 133 Yo! Keep Mitt Romney’s Tax Havens Straight!

June 21, 2012

Discussion of the broken Senate and completing the sentence “I don’t want to punish financial success, but...” After the music, BG throws down on the US Olympic Committee’s denigration of....knitters? More at

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My Losing Entry in the New Yorker Cover Competition

It's a very nice tumblr blog over at "Blown Covers," inviting artists to contribute New Yorker covers on a theme. This week's theme was "Fashion" for a Fall, 2012 cover and here is my entry:

One of the really nice things about having your own little gallery on the internet is, you can hang your work yourself.   So although this was not one of the finalists, maybe because the original photograph is copyright Avedon, or perhaps they don't want politics on the cover in the fall of an election year, (not), it didn't go to waste.   (They do ask you to keep entries confidential so I did until the finalists were listed).  I'll probably enter future contests as I love New Yorker covers.

Podcast is later today, we recorded this morning.  xo

Friday, June 15

Ep 132 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 132 The Sex(ism) Podcast

June 14, 2012

Recorded before Michigan’s male Republicans got their panties in a twist over “the V word,” we talk about sex, sexism, and why the Republican Party’s ethos seems to have a problem just being decent to women. More at

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Wednesday, June 13

My Nicolas Cage Photoshop Round Up. No, Really.

It turns out someone is selling a service whereby you take a smartphone photo of your own physique in a mirror, and the provider photoshops Nicholas Cage's face onto your body. I don't know why he's not doing the opposite, gluing your face on to Nic Cage's body, but then that's just silly logical female me.

I'm pretty sure this is a guy thing, as is the obsession on Tumblr with Nic Cage photoshops. I'm on Tumblr so I did some to make the other people at the party happy:

Sunday, June 10

All I think about Liz Cheney on my teevee.

I've already said twice on this blog. So when I hear "Liz Cheney Suggests Obama Personally Behind Intelligence Leaks" I laugh and laugh until I puke. Because here.

I also like this one, because it mentions Sally Quinn, who is still at it.

 So then I made this meanie-shop with a Tina Brown bonus and now I feel better.

I have to give Sally Quinn credit for finding Tucker Carlson launch parties that Scooter Libby can attend unnoticed. The song about "why we invite party poopers" doesn't count in Georgetown.

Friday, June 8

I'm a finalist! winner!

My Breitbart photoshop is a finalist for the TBogg contest.  (Entry Number 5).  If you're registered over at FDL, head on over and vote for your favorite.  Thanks to TBogg and all of you.
I'm a co-winner! The other winner, BreitBartCatCopter is definitely worth a look.

The Professional Left Podcast Ep 131

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 131 Wisconsin, Bradbury, and Why are all the Left Wing Jobs "Volunteer Coordinator"?

June 07, 2012

We discuss the loss in Wisconsin and the loss of Ray Bradbury, and Driftglass gets frustrated that left wing political action depends on volunteers, futons and brown rice. More at

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Tuesday, June 5

Proof Positive I Believe God's Love is Universal (Even Breitbart)

Breitbart winds up next to Jesus, where God is Truth and fake propaganda is silent. 

So tell me, Andrew, you little shit: Is it Heaven or Hell?


Friday, June 1

Interview with John Fugelsang for Crooks and LIars

Curse you, phone connection with Blue Gal!  
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

For Crooks and Liars: An interview with John Fugelsang

May 31, 2012

On behalf of Crooks and, Blue Gal (Fran) interviews comedian John Fugelsang about comedy, religion, and Mitt Romney's "Etch a Sketch" problem.

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It took a couple of tries, and do you KNOW how hard it is to find an actual working land line in California these days? Apparently impossible. I saw John Fugelsang live last year as part of The Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour in Chicago with Driftglass (my own sexy liberal). If you have the opportunity to go, it's a great show. Thanks very much to Tina Dupuy and Crooks and Liars for the chance to talk to John. He and I have a lot in common what with the religiosity and liberalism and all. :D

Ep 130 The Professional Left Podcast

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 130 MittFail on Apps and Education

May 31, 2012

What the misspelling of "America" says about the CEO of the GOP. One of our listeners gets a letter from Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bush? Also, Charter Schools aren't all bad, BUT... More at

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