h/t Heather for the video. After many struggles concerning whether you as a family member are "an issue" and "fair game" in the battles against your horrible horrible husband, you've convinced me.
You're an issue. You're very much fair game. And you are far more dangerous than just "blow job queen wife number 3" (copyright Tengrain)

What is wrong with Newt (and Calista) Gingrich? Is it evil, insanity, cretinism, megalomania & lust for power, or some combination thereof? And why do so many listen to these turds? I'm getting very depressed about the anti-Muslim insanity currently sweeping this country.
ReplyDeleteShe reeeeeeeally loves the sound of her own voice. Why is Newt headlining wife #4? Didn't his previous trophies graciously and quietly submit in the background?
ReplyDeleteWhen attention-seeking fuckewaddes run on the field during professional sporting events, there is an understanding among the teevee sports producers not to fuckeing show the idiot on teevee. Too bad the fucken mainstream presse can't figure this fucken shitte out, the fucken greedy craven assholes.
ReplyDeleteHowever mean you may be, it won't be as mean as these creatures deserve.
Newt Gingrich, another Republican History major, that has not learned a thing from history.
ReplyDeleteFucken sweeeet photoshop
ReplyDeleteGingrich isn't going anywhere. He converted to catholicism to marry wife number 3 (or is it 4). Apparently blowing your future husband is a sacrament, because the church let him.