Monday, February 28

Weekend Photoshops

Come with me...
And you'll be...
In a world, of pure imagination.

Friday, February 25

Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 62 The Union Label!

February 24, 2011

"Without an organized labor movement, this is a two-class, feudal, Christian, police state, run by the f#@$ing Koch brothers." - DriftglassAlso a BG audiobook review and whither Mayor Emmanuel? More info at

Support the show

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thursday, February 24

Look what Rachel Maddow MADE me do.

She said the reason Governor Sam Brownback wouldn't be interviewed by her in Kansas (and please, if Rachel Maddow comes to Kansas you've got to go!) was he was washing his hair or something.

I guess he was using "Never Rachel" shampoo.

Sure he was.

Monday, February 21

Oh gee, Blue Gal, tell us what you REALLY think!

I'm so mad about this anti-abortion juggernaut, I could just spit at every single GOP congressperson, and the Democrats who voted with them.  

On the other hand, these are the last unwavering members of their base that they can depend on to send in the checks, no matter what.  This is an anti-women, anti-sex contingent of a dying party.   They too shall pass.  

Yes, I'm furious.

Saturday, February 19

Photoshop invite: Boehner's "So Be It" propaganda poster.

You're all invited to do a propaganda poster based on Boehner's "So Be It" job destruction motif.

Like Tina Turner, I do things easy and hard:

Easy, via ObamiconMe:

And hard, via the now defunct Soviet Poster a Day blog and actual Photoshop Elements.   And Driftglass says it's from the SO-BE-IT UNION which is why I love him.  :

click image for larger

Feel free to make your own and blogwhore in comments. I'd love to see what others come up with.

Friday, February 18

Hey at least the cakes are ordered.

Right up there with the Celine Dion headpiece. However, the imaginary groom's cake is shockingly NOT a photoshop. Click image then click again for full size:

Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Chicago's next mayor, Wisconsin's uprising, and the Kama Sutra of the Liberals

February 17, 2011

DG on who he'll vote for for mayor of Chicago; and we celebrate the union uprising in Wisconsin, decry the federal budget proposal, and discover the real secret of filibuster reform. More at

Support the show

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thursday, February 17

Happy 75th Birthday to my Dad

...who would appreciate that I had to post the Stripper Soaker 6000 first.

Me with my dad in 1969.

Happy Birthday, Dad. xoxo

Debbie Schlussel's Day Job (NSFW)

Tosh.0Tuesdays 10pm / 9c
20 Seconds on the Clock - Stripper Soaker 6000
Tosh.0 VideosDaniel ToshWeb Redemption

Thanks be to G-d Debbie Schlussel filled her ass with race hate and sprayed her delighted fans with the typical anti-Arab enema juice she calls commentary. Via The Atlantic, and regarding the rape of journalist Lara Logan on the streets of Egypt:

So sad, too bad, Lara. No one told her to go there. She knew the risks. And she should have known what Islam is all about. Now she knows. Or so we'd hope. But in the case of the media vis-a-vis Islam, that's a hope that's generally unanswered.

This never happened to her or any other mainstream media reporter when Mubarak was allowed to treat his country of savages in the only way they can be controlled.

Now that's all gone. How fitting that Lara Logan was "liberated" by Muslims in Liberation Square while she was gushing over the other part of the "liberation."

Hope you're enjoying the revolution, Lara! Alhamdilllullah [praise allah].

Yay! Tuck an extra five-spot in Debbie's drippy funnel for me, just for making Pammy Atlas look like a UN Peacekeeper in a chastity belt.

Tuesday, February 15

A new verb. "To Grapefruit." for @Lawrence

Who definitely grapefruited Bill O'Reilly on The Last Word last night.

Thanks much to Crooks and Liars for the video:

The last line is cut off. "...if you're as afraid to accept my challenge as I think you are, if you don't even try to provide fact to back up what you said about me, no one watching this show is going to be surprised, Billy, because they will know that you will have proved everything that I just said."

Weekend Photoshop

John Bolton and Bill Kristol judged the Miss CPAC 2010 competition, and in a surprise outcome, Miss Mubarek beat out Miss Grifty Reload McQuitter in the "Grifting," "Quitting," and "Self-Serving Word Salad" competitions.

Thanks to everyone who sent such kind words to me and Driftglass. We're very grateful and happy. We're not living together until the wedding sometime in August and we're still waiting for some "way open" on specifics. One thing I've ruled out is a change in this blog's title:

Friday, February 11

Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Publishing the Banns, and a "Formal" Debate on Palin

February 10, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day weekend! Blue Gal finally makes an honest man out of Driftglass, is "my wife's gonna kill me" bar-room talk or dangerous rhetoric? And a debate over whether Sarah Palin will be the Republican Nominee in 2012. More at

Support the show

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the website's graphic (The ring above is from here.) and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help.  And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Thursday, February 10

Finally off the kids' computer.

Laptop has a new hard drive, thanks to the generosity of my readers and listeners.  It's great not to be on the kids' computer any more .  Thank you so much for softening the financial blow there. 

Today has been spent reloading software and getting the podcast ready for tomorrow.  Heading the minivan north to Chicago tomorrow morning.  Kids and books-on-tape and avoiding ice on the road for a few hours, then Mommy gets a nice warm tub and a beer when we get there.

Pray for Egypt.  How is it Jon Kyl can retire but Hosni can't?

Wednesday, February 9

Thanks for bearing with me.

It could have been worse.
My laptop should be back from the shop tomorrow, provided I give them lots of money.  New hard drive, (I tell myself No, I am NOT buying yet another copy of Windows, I'm buying malaria nets via the Gates Foundation.), new copy of Photoshop (totally authorized and street legal!)*** and  guess what?  We recorded the podcast tonight and it sounded LIKE SHIT so we're re-doing it tomorrow night again for you the customer, AFTER I get a new microphone headset.

I must have had some power or magnetic surge because the headphone mic and hard drive appear to have blown out at the same time.

I really appreciate everyone who gave to my fundraiser.  It really cushioned the blow.  Thanks!!!

Podcast this weekend will TOTALLY be worth all of this BS,  I guarantee.

***Correction.  Photoshop Elements.  Regular Photoshop?  No, Adobe cannot have my house payment.

Monday, February 7

Last day of fundraiser - a paler shade of blue screen of death?

I'm typing this on my kids' computer (not fun) because yesterday morning I got this screen. Not the Blue Screen of Death, more like my hard drive telling me "Don't mourn me 'cuz I didn't die, I just went away." My regular laptop is in the shop this morning and I'll probably need to get a new hard drive and copy of Windows. This morning I get to clean out office drawers looking for my Photoshop disks.

So now I know where the fundraiser money is going! Yay!

So light posting this week while I (hopefully) put everything back together. I really appreciate the financial vote of confidence many of you have given this blog, and particularly the kind words which have accompanied those donations. It's very heartening to be told (by people you KNOW are smart and have other things they could be doing with their time and money) that what I do here in the internet world is of VALUE. Thank you very much. And back to regular programming as soon as I am off the kiddo computer and back on my own machine.

Today is the last day I'll post this button until next quarter. Thanks for your support of my work! I have the best readers in the blogosphere.

PS. My fundraising goal this quarter is to make one-one millionth of what Huffpo got from AOL. Really!

Friday, February 4

Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Egypt, Charlotte, and the Sarah Palin Embargo

February 03, 2011

The long arm of history as Egypt revolts; the Democratic National Convention comes to North Carolina; and a Wapo reporter goes without Palin for a month? More at

Support the show

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again to Frank Chow for the website's graphic (graphic above by Driftglass) and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Thursday, February 3

We interrupt this fundraiser to celebrate Blogroll Amnesty Day

There's plenty of time to celebrate Blogroll Amnesty Day this year. As a tribute to the late Jon Swift, we are running it for a week. Old timers know that this holiday has a rather sullen history, but now it is a happy occasion: On February 3, bloggers are invited to post links to blogs you like, that have smaller traffic than your own. It's a great celebration and a time to discover new blogs and link them and stuff. As I have said in previous years, "not to get all mushy here, but do you know how fucking great it is to be here in the blogosphere? Take a moment. Take it in." Spread some linky love.

Small and newbie bloggers please be aware of the ironclad rule that you are not allowed to make "hey no blog is as small as mine" jokes regarding Blogroll Amnesty Day. The rule is, straight from the queen of the indy blogs herself (ahem), that you are not allowed to complain or mention your blog's low traffic until you have been posting daily for a year. If you're little, link other blogs that are new or still growing their audience, and encourage them to practice their craft daily. Then, show them how.

Here are some blogs from my blogroll that have posted recently. (I haven't checked their traffic numbers because I rarely check my own). Enjoy:

Reed Writes

Earth-Bound Misfit

Hysterical Raisins


And an art blog, Tom Moody.

Wednesday, February 2

Fundraiser and a word about PayPal

I had a great back and forth with a dedicated reader to this blog yesterday. This reader refuses to give money to me via PayPal because of the whole Wikileaks thing. I get that.

Driftglass and I are talking about getting a post office box for the podcast, which we would both use for individual blog contributions. What we are working on now, is whether to open a bank account for the podcast, use my real name on the account, or what. One cannot solicit checks made out to "The Professional Left" or "Blue Gal" or "Driftglass" without an ability to cash them. So once that is worked out you will be the first to know.

In the meantime, I hope that principled liberals who read this blog daily...

...will temporarily set aside their internet paypal boycott...
...on behalf of a man who spent Christmas as a guest at Ellingham Hall...
...presumably kid-free...
...and has bail money from Michael Moore...
...and a world-wide microphone any time he tweets. send a five-dollar vote of confidence to a single mother of three school-aged children who can barely afford her monthly internet bill. An unpaid blogger who entertains their principles regularly without charge. A comrade.

THANKS! I really appreciate the support.

UPDATE: Possible Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for Wikileaks. Just when I was worried I was giving him too much attention. :D