Friday, January 27

Ep 112 The Professional Left Podcast

proleft app ad 400px The Professional Left App is available at the App Store.

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 112 The Pro Left Response to SOTU - and 'To the moon, Newt"!

January 26, 2012

We present our response to the State of the Union and discuss why we are not impressed by the 'conservative establishment' freak out over a Newt Gingrich surge. More at

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Five things you probably didn't know about food stamps.

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again Marlene at ZMac Consulting and  Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

PS the photo I shared with my mom is here.  

Friday, January 20

Ep 111 The Professional Left Podcast

proleft app ad 400px The Professional Left App is available at the App Store.

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 111 Hey Fox News, If You've Got a Blacklist, We Wanna Be On It.

January 19, 2012

Andrew Sullivan claims he's been blacklisted by Fox, and Newt is now a socialist? Also, why Republicans will always be aggrieved even when they win elections. More at

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Links for this episode:

Religious Right is About Patriarchy, Not Family Values

Andrew Sullivan claims he's been blacklisted by Fox News

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again Marlene at ZMac Consulting and  Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Wednesday, January 18

Starting to worry about @Stephenathome

But actually I'm much more worried about the future of political photoshopping.  Just let me say that when Buzzfeed says re Callista's hair, they can do it for free?  Oh honey, even Callista knows, you get what you pay for.  (click image for larger)

Friday, January 13

Ep 110 The Professional Left Podcast

proleft app ad 400px The Professional Left App is available at the App Store.

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 110 The Long Podcast; Should we just crash the system?

January 12, 2012

We read three letters regarding protesting versus crashing the system. Abolishing the Senate? Occupying the DNC? Seceeding from Fox America? Commenting anonymously at a blog? [Careful there, buddy!] More at

Support the show

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again Marlene at ZMac Consulting and  Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

PS the photo I shared with my mom is here.  

You totally need to buy Girl Scout Cookies this year, Liberals.

Podcast up next, but first....You need Girl Scout cookies!  Because the right wing has their panties in a real twist about teaching girls to have enough self-esteem to take care of themselves, and be accepting of others regardless of how they might be different.   Because teaching intolerance is much more Christian?  I'm not going to use the eff word in a post about the Girl Scouts.

Also, I'm not going to mention how many camp counselors were, um, tomboys at my daughter's Girl Scout summer camp last year.   It has ALWAYS been that way, yes, even in the fifties.  ESPECIALLY in the fifties.  Check out Smith College or any other majority-woman institution.  They are where the girls are, and that's not predatory, it's just human.  Lesbians and the transgendered are not a threat to our daughters, get over it.

Anyhoo, if a Girl Scout Troop is not available to you and you would like to buy some cookies, email me at bluegalsblog  AT  gmail and I will hook you up with some delicious self-esteem building tolerance cookies.  Apparently there are also websites and even an iPhone app for cookie finding.  And several of the cookie varieties are vegan, which, I hear, are very popular with you commies.

You're welcome.  

Wednesday, January 11

The Future of News Magazines (Satire?)

A Professional Left Joint.

My mom is an artist.

Actually both my parents are artists.  And yesterday Dad sent me some artwork by my mom, including this:

There are portraits of each family member in charcoal.  They're not photographic likenesses, they're better than that.  Thanks very much, Mom.  

And PS I'm reading a letter on the podcast this weekend, to my mother on the subject of politics.   Watch this space.  

Monday, January 9

Nevermind your cancelled show, gimme that bowl of fresh eggs, Martha!

Time Magazine opines that Martha Stewart's show on Hallmark Channel was cancelled because viewers can no longer "aspire to a lifestyle that seems absurd in this economy."  And I was going to make up some fake current-economy Martha Stewart topics, like 

"Combining Your Moved-In Relatives' Food Stamps for the Perfect Dinner Party"

"Paper Crafts for Up-cycling Your Resume" 

"Cleaning Jewelry for Top Pawn Shop Dollar"

But it turns out Amy Sedaris has already written "Simple Times:  Crafts for Poor People."  

Hey, at least Martha still has her magazine, complete with her monthly PLANNING calendar.

I realize that in the world of satire Martha Effing Stewart is low-hanging fruit.  But  in this economy, the only person I want to see add to their Outlook Calendar "Bring a BOWL of fresh EGGS to OFFICE." is John Waters.

Sunday, January 8

RIP, Tony Blankley

I'm sorry to see anyone die of stomach cancer, and I will always remember Tony Blankley from the October 7, 2011 episode of KCRW's Left Right and Center on the topic of Occupy Wall Street, where he pushed the Occupy Wall Streeters being violent paid anarchists, and the President offering words of encouragement to attacks on police. Transcript from me:
Blankley: I was a little appalled if not surprised that the President seemed to speak words of encouragement to demonstrators that have attacked police, and are calling for, I think, unlawful activity against corporations...I find that wrong.

Host, Matt Miller: What unlawful activity? I hadn't heard that. What are they calling for?

Blankley: Haven't they said rude things about bankers? Suggestions that retribution is in order?

Robert Sheer: [scoffing] I've been saying rude things about bankers for years on this show, Tony!

Blankley: I've seen the news, they sound like they're shouting...

Sheer: That's not a calling for violence! It's an exercise of our democratic rights!

Blankley: [sighing] As long as they're not calling for any violence against people, then they're welcome to lawfully say whatever they want. I'm curious about the origins and the organization. I saw that there was a statement that some of them were paid. I don't think this is a spontaneous demonstration, but I don't know anything about it. We'll have to see how it further develops, but it was odd to hear the President speaking encouragingly about it.
Rest in peace.

Friday, January 6

Ep 109 The Professional Left Podcast

proleft app ad 400px The Professional Left App is available at the App Store.

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

Ep 109 In GOP Analysis, Are You Following the Money or the Lies?

January 05, 2012

Newt, two Ricks, and the real consequences of Republican Lies on real people. Plus a listener innoculates himself against David Brooks and catches Bobo Plague anyway. More at Professional

Support the show

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it:

Thanks again Marlene at ZMac Consulting and  Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.

Tuesday, January 3

Don't Anyone Say Newt Gingrich is a "Victim" of Citizens United

As a billion North Koreans go hysterical.

There aren't a billion North Koreans, they aren't hysterical, and "Any ad which quotes what I said is a falsehood."

By the way, on the unlimited funding of Mitt v. Newt, don't let anyone tell you Newt is a "victim" of Citizens United.

Citizens United is a producer of nearly every video Callista puts out.  They PAY her to make "documentaries" like 

So if we go back to the original premise for the Newt Gingrich for President campaign, which is to increase the profile and sale-ability of Callista Gingrich books and videos,  the media assertion that Newt Gingrich is the "first victim" of the Citizens United decision is total bull.   That he can leave the race claiming to be a victim gives him even more of what he wanted, a claim to relevance.  The Citizens United decision just seals the deal on politics as a complete racket.

photo h/t Bildungblog, also totally not a photoshop.

Sunday, January 1

Awesome New Year's Resolution!!!

Awesome Canadian Blogger RossK wrote us this morning:

Happy New Year Blue Gal et al.--

We just received our transnational ProLeftPod Notepad*** in the mail....

Inspired us to make our first New Year's Resolution.

It's what we all have to do, Ross!  Thanks very very much.  

*** We send notepads as thank yous to those who donate $15.00 or more at one time to the podcast.