Sometimes!?! (Thanks to Paul the Spud of Shakes for the pic.) And remember ma hunnies, there is more than one way to cook a pumpkin. And this is one of my favorite Cake songs to dance around the house to.
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My name is Alex. I guess an introduction is in order but I don't really know who I am. Actually Alex isn't really my legal name so even in my first words this starts to get a bit complicated.
I am a student, and if you ask any of my classmates who I am, you will probably hear that I am a 19-20 year old boy, well-read for my age, openly gay and that I am someone almost everybody likes but nobody knows. If you ask my mother, the picture may be somewhat different. I believe that she will tell you that I am a 27-year-old married mother of three.
"wounded birds, and the psychotically and physically maimed who need to pound it out at the keys, for some relief.
Does ANYONE who blogs not have some great personal psycho/sexual/gender adversity to overcome that I don't have to hear about?
Is there NO one out there, that's just normal?
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(n.) nickname for any woman who is a major force in her husband's personal and public life, significantly shaping his image and career through force of will, personality, or a whole lot of red hair. Can be added to the last name for comedic effect: "Yoko Bryant," "Yoko Kucinich."
You came here to college to learn the language of power - to be empowered. If you want to succeed in business, government, law, engineering, science, education, the media, if you want to succeed, you have to be fluent in the language in which "success" is a meaningful word. ...
Activists are sending women's underwear to the Burmese junta responsible for killing all those monks because, among other retarded things, the dictatorship believes touching a woman's panties will "make them lose their power."
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Wow, that's really interesting.
[President Bush] offered a pointed description of his job.
"My job is a decision-making job. And as a result, I make a lot of decisions," the president said.
He elaborated on that point later.
"I delegate to good people. I always tell Condi Rice, `I want to remind you, Madam Secretary, who has the Ph.D. and who was the C student. And I want to remind you who the adviser is and who the president is.'
"I got a lot of Ph.D.-types and smart people around me who come into the Oval Office and say, `Mr. President, here's what's on my mind.' And I listen carefully to their advice. But having gathered the device (sic), I decide, you know, I say, `This is what we're going to do.' And it's `Yes, sir, Mr. President.' And then we get after it, implement policy."
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