Tuesday, October 23

Getting in touch with my dirty fucking hippie.

I've been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is...

Say what you want about Cat/Yusef/wev. I was amazed at how much richer his voice is now.


  1. Yusef (still "Cat" to me, with no disrespect to his preference intended) epitomizes what's beautiful in Islam - a spirit of humility and responsibility and a commitment to serving others, most especially people in need.

    There's so much more to that religion than Fundamentalist nut-cases. But we aren't supposed to know about that...

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Well, he's no Tobey Keith putting boot up people's asses, but he'll do in a pinch.

  3. I remember when he released this song. We all ran out and bought the album ... and cranked up the volume.


  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    So he's come back...no apparent support for a fatwa on Salmon Rushdie (even though he said later that wasn't what he meant)? People come back to their roots. I read once that because young people are eager to act in defense of their beliefs, it has been useful for nations to recruit young people into their armies. If he is a man of peace, then peace be to him.

  5. Speaking as a Dirty Fucking Hippie(TM) Elder,I know that it doesn't seem likely now,but as terrifying and as heart-breaking as these times are,this really is the beginning of what is going to be a Golden Age for the
    Human community.
    It's particularly hard to remember this when your on the front lines,surrounded by good old idiots,and your country has fallen into the hands of thugs and thieves,but it really is. You gotta have faith.
    So feel free to cry your heart out when you must. Tears also do good like medicine.'I am a little wounded, but not slain, I will but rest
    awhile, and then rise and fight again.' -Admiral Sir Andrew Barton,Attributed

    Peace and Love.

  6. Tusen takk (a thousand thanks) for posting this. It's not often I get to use my Norwegian! And I love Cat/Yusef.

  7. I hate his politics, I hate his religion even more, but he's a good artist. I won't be issuing any fatwas against him.

  8. I'm catching up late this week, but thanks for that.

    How well he sings, and his song is a prayer and a communion.

  9. love Cat. last played album at casa de sandy, Tea for the Tillerman. did I mention I love Cat? yup, always have.

  10. I teared up a little on this.


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