I had an exchange with fellow twitterer @laurakeet yesterday:
ME: Congrats @GStephanopoulos you pimped a book that calls Michelle Obama one of prez's "cronies of color." Stay Classy, ABC's This Week!
LAURAKEET: Thx for link to Malkin feedback. However must u say "pimp" 2describe self-promoting a pathetic brand of hate? IMO bad metaphor.
ME: I call ABC having Malkin on w her book pimping, ie quid pro quo deal w/ her or her publisher to sell it. you have better term?
LAURAKEET: Literal definition of "pimp" works but selling people=real & tragic, so 2 loaded a term IMO. How about "shill"? [Laura provided link]
ME: We can agree 2 disagree @laurakeet! I call ABCThisWeek producers pimps, but can't find the loaded term for what this is:
And here I linked to an original Michele Malkin production which called the "defeatocrats"
for wanting to pull out of Iraq. This "S-O-R-O-S" parody version is very clever, and still lets you see Malkin's idea of, well, how to share her ideas. Yes, that really is Michelle Malkin.
But I want to take up @laurakeet's assertion that somehow "pimp" (and yeah, the word "whore" is also used in the same context) is too loaded a term to be used regarding Malkin's appearance on George Stephanopoulos's show.
By the way, if we're getting into Stephanopoulos being a man and Malkin being a woman somehow putting a burden on the words and making them more inappropriate due to the genders involved, let's forget about ABC's This Week and talk about The View. Malkin is appearing on that show this morning.
Readers can respond to my words anyway they want: if they find me triggering, crude, low-class, or obscene, they don't have to read my blog. If they find me sexist or racist or just wrong, I hope those readers will ask me if I meant it that way. I've found more than once that I'm not always as clear or as sensitive as I might desire to be.
Let me be clear and direct on this point, however: Malkin is whoring her hack-published, lie-filled, piece of shit book on national television this week, and any television outlet that gives her air-time is pimping that whoredom for no other reason than some back-alley syphilitic 'fuck-her-in-the-mouth-instead' publicity deal that is a filthy excuse for balanced journalism.
Betcha any penny Malkin is making from Regnery Press (yeah) is going straight to her agent and then some. There is definitely a crack whore dichotomy going on here: sell the book, huff the publicity, go broke.
I make no apologies for the words I use here, though @laurakeet is exactly right: the subject about which I write is real and tragic.
There is a great deal of disingenuous outrage these days. Or as I like to call it-
I can't count how many times I've been criticized not for what I say, but the way in which I say it.
I spent years sitting with people, talking calmly with them about their problems, etc, etc.
And all the time, somewhere in my head, the desire to grab them by the shoulders, shake them violently, and scream, "WAKE THE FUCK UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!" lingered.
Pimps. All of Them. Pimps.
Straight Outta Compton, Bitches.
We could 'fancy man' and 'courtesan' all the way around the maypole, and at the end of the pavane we'll still come face to face with pimps and whores...Stephanopoulos whoring valuable network time featuring Jesse's girl pimping her freshest occlusions of reality, Malkin whoring for her Regnery paymasters as George pimps to 'maintain the fiction' for Corporate Amerika.
ReplyDeleteNo difference. Fuck semantics, I'm not in the mood today.
Tell it, sister!
ReplyDeleteTell it!
I do not watch any of them anymore.
Let me be clear and direct on this point, however: Malkin is whoring her hack-published, lie-filled, piece of shit book on national television this week, and any television outlet that gives her air-time is pimping that whoredom for no other reason than some back-alley syphilitic 'fuck-her-in-the-mouth-instead' publicity deal that is a filthy excuse for balanced journalism.
Malkkkin would blow a corpse for the attention, so yes, she is absolutely a whore. Or as I generally call her, the low-rent Coulter.
ReplyDeleteAs for Georgie S., I wonder what his salary is. You know.
(From my other world) I feel compelled to tell you that it's just your unassuaged white-guilt and over-zealous political correctness that makes you attack poor defenseless wingnuts who are, after all, entitled to their opinions.
ReplyDeletePointing out the pimping and whoring circle jerks who guest populate the SMMMC is bad form. Is Malkin any worse than Bobo, Will, MoDo, Nooner, Cokie?
So, she's batshit crazy? That's box office baby. IOW, we don't need no steenkin' fairness doctrine. The nutters show up on time, fill the chairs, fill the time and engage in lively batshit feces flinging for your entertainment.
"What you want SERIOUS people capable of serious discussions?
We tried that back in the day. Dry as dust. The focus groups say this way is much snappier."
Standing on chair, clapping and cheering.
ReplyDeleteYou go honey.
Sometimes ya just gotta get a bigger hammer.
Seems all the Sunday shows are pimping - the corporatist agenda, by whatever means necessary.
ReplyDeletewonder if Laurakeet questions the use of "douchebag"? that's one of my pet peeves...
and h/t Suzan for "girlcott" - I thought I was alone in that!
so many gems, but I luvvs this one:
ReplyDelete"There is definitely a crack whore dichotomy going on here: sell the book, huff the publicity, go broke."
As somebody famous should have said. "It's the Moral Equivalent of Whore"
ReplyDeleteThey pimp and whore for each other. What they do is more offensive than most anything you could call it.
ReplyDeleteRemember kids, being a war criminal or a para-fascist is just fine - just don't call anyone that! Torture is respectable, but calling torture "torture" is terribly rude, partisan and divisive!
It's hard out here for a pimp.