Saturday, July 30
It's a really wonderful day, after all.
In addition to the great news above, The Professional Left Podcast was mentioned glowingly on The Hal Sparks Radio Program this morning.
And Driftglass got a (nother) link at Vanity Fair by James Wolcott.
I'm beginning to think his laptop is bugged, because not only has Paul Krugman been channeling The Tall One lately, but the thing with Lawrence O'Donnell banning Walsh was straight outta driftglass.blogspot. only a few days ago.
As DG said as we ate barbeque and slaw on pancake sandwiches (actually good) "Oh, it's going to be THAT kind of Saturday."
Congratulations honey. xoxo
Friday, July 29
Shorter @Lawrence on The #LastWord
Related: Representative Walsh is banned from The Last Word.
Also take note this is the first but not the last use of the tag below.
Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left Ep 86
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 86 It gets better...for liberals?
July 28, 2011
We discuss serenity prayers, centrism as news, theraputic swearing, and a psychoanalysis of...Bill Maher? More at
Mentioned in this episode: The World According to Chuck, Serenity.
The button above is available in the Cafepress Store. The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support! We really appreciate it:
Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Thursday, July 28
Tonight's conversation with my wedding planner, age 9.
The 9 year old wants to look at wedding cupcakes on my computer.
Me: I can't deal with details right now. I know, I know, I'm getting married in 22 days.
9 yo, deadpan, and without missing a beat: What? You haven't hired the ORCHESTRA yet?
Tomorrow morning I'll break it to her that we're counting on HER and HER ALONE to put together a Full Tilt Bollywood Wedding Extravaganza with a "budget" of "zero."
And yes, the entire wedding party is singing "Ya Ya Ya We're Obama-Bots" at around the one minute mark.
Me: I can't deal with details right now. I know, I know, I'm getting married in 22 days.
9 yo, deadpan, and without missing a beat: What? You haven't hired the ORCHESTRA yet?
Tomorrow morning I'll break it to her that we're counting on HER and HER ALONE to put together a Full Tilt Bollywood Wedding Extravaganza with a "budget" of "zero."
And yes, the entire wedding party is singing "Ya Ya Ya We're Obama-Bots" at around the one minute mark.
Monday, July 25
What I wrote to Congressman Shimkus
You and your party will be blamed as hostage takers are blamed if you don't behave responsibly on the debt ceiling. I am sure you have had to work with the tea party freshmen but everyone that is drinking their poison will pay a price. I feel sorry for run-of-the-mill Republicans like you, who just want to keep your seats in Congress, but I feel more sorry for those of us living off of Social Security who feel insecure about their benefit because of the irresponsible posturing of people in YOUR party. I can't say anything that will change you or your party but I can hope that your influence, and particularly the influence of the mob to the right of you, is fleeting.
You can write to your congressman via Have your zip code + 4 ready.
You can write to your congressman via Have your zip code + 4 ready.
Friday, July 22
It is the official position of this blog that Jesus Loves Manatees.
And I don't care what Edna at the Citrus County Tea Party Patriots group says:
....teabaggers are crying about the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's intent to place restrictions against boating and other things near the city of Crystal River -- and now they're trying to get all Florida Tea Partiers to ask congress to block the wildlife service, according to the St. Petersburg Times.
And why would they be trying to do this? Because protecting animals like manatees is against the Bible and the Bill of Rights, according to one Tea Party leader.
"We cannot elevate nature above people," Citrus County Tea Party Patriots leader Edna Mattos told the paper. "That's against the Bible and the Bill of Rights."
This newspaper story might be telling the story with a bit of mocking editorializing, but it's still media fail. We need a new rule, Bill Maher:
Just because someone belongs to a tea party group, does not mean they deserve to be automatically quoted in any media outlet, particularly if what they say is akin to the rantings of a street drunk standing in his own urine and shouting at a parking meter.
In more benevolent days, Edna might have been given some sort of place in a mental facility where she could imagine The Bible and Bill of Rights elevating her species above those more endangered than herself. As it is, she's in the Tea Party, so what she says is news.
P.S. Richard Porter you are not being nice to crazy people. Here's a link for ya. ;D
Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left Ep 85
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 85 Who is in charge at the GOP?
July 21, 2011
Driftglass argues that the mob is in charge at GOP headquarters. Film Noir, Allen West teaches us how to be ladies, and answering the centrists and stimulus - deniers. More at
The button above is available in the Cafepress Store. The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support! We really appreciate it:
Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Wednesday, July 20
God is not mocked; Allen West is no lady, but....
Allen West. Allen West? Really?
I can't figure out what the plan is over there on the Republican side. I expect, neither can they. As Sarah Palin once said..."veeery scary."
Questions for the Stimulus Deniers
Last night I had to drive 90 miles or so to an area airport to pick up kids. A co-blogger wrote to say he hoped the drive went well.
Yep all went well except for those damn non-existent stimulus jobs in the form of I-55 construction workers. Good opportunity to tell my girls: That's STIMULUS money slowing us down!
So I went to look for an image to accompany this post and look! There's a young white guy working in manufacturing! I thought all those jobs were gone. He works for Rice Signs of Auburn, Alabama, whose website brags that they manufacture "a full line of Aluminum American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Project Funding Signs."
I realize there isn't much innovation in making road signs. And that there isn't "added value" in rebuilding highways, except that those jobs increase the likelihood that moms in minivans will get their children home from the summer vacation safely.
But a job is a job in the ten percent unemployment world. And the stimulus money that was NOT in the form of TAX CUTS (one-third of the stimulus bill, thanks, GOP!) actually created some jobs. Imagine how many more make-work jobs could be paying people's rent if we didn't have to provide a tax cut for a billionaire every time we hired two workers.
Also, to hell with those who want to say the stimulus cost x number of dollars per job. You're including the tax cut in that number, you douchebag.
"Tax cuts create jobs" is a LIE. "Tax cuts increase revenue" is a LIE.
I want to know from every Republican member of the House: What are you doing for the unemployed people in your district?
I know the answer for one congressman: Eric Cantor held job fairs in his district made possible by the stimulus.
My congressman's "plan," [reduce regulation, increase offshore oil and onshore gas frack drilling, pass the Ryan budget and more free trade agreements] does nothing for the college grad who is out of work today, except convince him that government can do nothing for him. I expect that's their goal, and the fact that they are willing to increase human suffering and America's economic future to push that ideology is nothing less than sinful.
Monday, July 18
Saturday, July 16
Happy Birthday to me and all my fellow July Birthday Buddies

Orly always thinks you're saying "birther day" because it's always about HER. :D
A great many bloggers and former bloggers have birthdays in July. This is the birthday of yours truly, who shares a bday with her sainted mother.
Happy Birthday, Mom, and a very happy birthday to all my July birthday friends. This is the last weekend before kids start returning from their summer travels.
Friday, July 15
Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left Ep 84
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 84 Tea Party Crazy and the Default
July 14, 2011
The Crazy didn't start with Tea Party; Default Crisis; and How Do Progressives Channel Their Anger? More at
The button above is available in the Cafepress Store. The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support! We really appreciate it:
Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Wednesday, July 13
Tuesday, July 12
Sunday, July 10
A letter to Progressives who don't think they can support Obama after this week.
Dear Friend,
Thanks for your email. I don't have a lack of "respect" for progressives who are angry with Obama. But I worked for Kennedy in 80 and got eight years of Reagan for staying true to my principles. You're just talking to someone who got badly burned, and won't play with fire again, is all.
You're also talking to someone who LIVES off of Social Security RIGHT NOW. My ex husband is 70, and the kids get SS checks that pay the mortgage on my house and all of my living expenses. I have no other income but the few dollars that come from the podcast when people feel like giving.
If this default crisis goes south and Social Security checks do not go out in August, I will be behind in my mortgage payments from day one.
I don't know what to tell you about Obama except that any Democrat running in 2008 except for Dennis Kucinich would have been the same, and Dennis Kucinich told reporters in 2007 that he wanted Ron Paul for his running mate. Yeah.
I'm going to work on issues rather than on candidates, because candidates are human and break your heart every time. And in terms of Obama running against any Republican, I am not going to vote for the person who will secure Clarence Thomas's political positions on the Supreme Court for the next thirty years.
Thanks very much for your kind words and thoughts. We really appreciate it.
Saturday, July 9
A question for the anti-abortionists: What if the baby is already dead? #myPP
These people have lost their minds, because apparently if the baby inside you is already dead, that is NO EXCUSE.
Pro-Life Wisconsin is attacking the state funding of University of Wisconsin Medical School for teaching to medical students, procedures that are necessary in the case of what is called "fetal demise," where an unborn infant has died in utero.
Robin Marty (Warning: the author of this article has a uterus.)
When I had my miscarriage, I had to go in to have a D&C performed in order to remove the fetus, which had died weeks earlier. Many women find themselves in the same situation either due to missed miscarriages, or incomplete miscarriages where they have retained bits of the products of conception.
If doctors no longer learn how to perform a D&C, what exactly are women in that situation to do?
Well, nothing, if Pro-Life Wisconsin has its way. They are currently filing a lawsuit demanding that the University of Wisconsin's medical department stop teaching its med students how to perform "abortions," claiming it violates a funding ban on state dollars going to abortion. The school currently sends students on a rotation through the local Planned Parenthood in order to not be accused of performing abortions on site.
Their problem is, if you know how to remove an ALREADY DEAD fetus from a woman's body, you also know how to perform an abortion. Better to blindfold every gynecologist in Wisconsin to the procedure rather than allow them the knowledge that, gasp, MIGHT lead to an abortion. Nevermind that it might also lead to maternal death.
By the way, I had several "D&C"s as part of my attempt to GET pregnant. It is a common procedure in infertility treatment. God forbid taxpayer dollars should be spent HELPING a woman carry a baby to term, save her own life, or simply teaching an obstetrician how to do his or her JOB.
The Cap Times (Madison, WI):
“There are medically indicated pregnancy terminations, and physicians need to have skills to do that,” says [Doctor] Broekhuizen. He notes that even physicians who do not work in abortion clinics may well need to perform an abortion.
“There are situations where patients have fetal death in utero at 16 to 18 weeks of gestation,” he says. “The mode of delivery in the case of a dead fetus is exactly the same procedure as an abortion procedure. So learning these techniques is an essential part of what an ob/gyn needs to know in order to provide comprehensive care to women, regardless of where they choose to practice.”
And this is why, he says, the accreditation organization for ob/gyn programs requires that training in abortion services be offered.
The hatred of women in the anti-abortion ranks is once again unmasked.
h/t pari_passu on Twitter
Friday, July 8
A day late and a photoshop short (Planned Parenthood Blog Carnival) #MyPP
And before anyone goes all "Sacrilege!" on my ass, I believe in my heart of hearts that Mary is the mother and sister and companion to every frightened girl who enters a Planned Parenthood clinic for HELP. And I know for a fact that not every pregnant woman who enters a PP clinic gets an abortion. Many of them go there so their babies will be born HEALTHY. And in many parts of the country, it's the only place many women CAN go for prenatal care. Think about that, fundie mofos.
Done for the My Planned Parenthood Blog Carnival.
Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 83 Are we too hard on Republicans? Don't ask David Brooks.
July 07, 2011
David Brooks listens to his inner bond portfolio, we respond to a listener letter about the humanity of average Republicans, and tall tales from BG's Ohio ancestors. More at
Links for this episode:
Dunning Kruger Effect
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Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
Tuesday, July 5
It's easy to explain the John Quincy Adams thing.
The reason Michele Bachmann is fixated on John Quincy Adams speaking for ALL of the founding fathers (he turned 9 in July of 1776) in tirelessly working to end slavery?
Easy. It's not a leap at all when you already think the historical Jesus is blonde.
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Um Congresswoman? Could we talk about the shirt? |
Friday, July 1
Our Weekly Podcast - The Professional Left
The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal
Ep 82 Bachmann's Brain
June 30, 2011
We discuss the real impact of the same-sex marriage victory in NY, what Ed Rollins "saving" Bachmann says about media fail, and can't Mitt Romney find an actual unemployed person? More at
This episode was recorded before Mark Halperin said "dick." Would that a media millionaire could be suspended for being a right-wing hack disguised (badly) as a political expert (and, unBUHlieveably, a centrist), rather than for broadcasting a synonym for peenee on a Thursday.
Links for this episode:
Scott Simon’s “Windy City”
Romney’s "unemployment" ad problem.
FOX NEWS.Com calls for higher corporate taxes. (Turns out Sally Kohn is their token progressive. Still, it’s a very good article and surprising location for it.)
The button above is available in the Cafepress Store. The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support! We really appreciate it:
Thanks again to Frank Chow for the graphic and Heather at Crooks and Liars Video Cafe for their help. And don't forget you can listen to our archives for free with no downloads or registration at Professional Left.
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