...this is me circa 1965.
At the time this snapshot was taken, our country was about to lose Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. Vietnam, Watergate, oil shock, etc... I'm not going to turn this post into the Billy Joel song no matter how much it wants me to. We fetishize our own times as being harder and tougher and worse than any other, but it isn't true. We always suffer under the Asian curse to live in "interesting" times.
I've been blogging here since 2004. That's before twitter and iPhones and yes, even Lady Gaga. I'm truly old skool. And I keep telling myself, perspective is a gift.
On Friday I will turn 47. And it feels as though my life has changed as much in the past six years as it had in the previous 41. The support and love of my readers has made a tremendous difference for the better. I am so glad I found blogging, and that you are here to share that community with me. Thank you.
Four times a year I ask my readers to drop a little sumpin in the bucket to keep me going. The money doesn't pay for trips to Netroots Nation or $5K publicists. It pays for printer toner or perhaps a "gourmet" coffee. Your contribution means the next time the ice cream truck rolls down the street I won't have to say no this time.
We're in tough times now but I love the sense that those of us who blog and those who read blogs are in this together. I've shared outrage and frustration here but I sincerely hope I avoid despair. Hope is not a word on a poster for me, it is the angel who sits on my shoulder and whispers, "Oh, that's a funny one. More Boehner."
If you have a job or other source of income and value what I do here, you have an opportunity to say so with the button below. And you have my deep abiding gratitude. Thank you.