Monday, July 13

Attacking the blogs, standing up for the bloggers. A review.

Wow, what a long strange ride it's been so far! I had fun this weekend reviewing the times I felt it necessary to address mainstream media pundits directly on the subject of being a blogger, and in one case (at least) just responding to a reporter's very stupid slanted question re reproductive rights. I hope you enjoy the stroll down memory lane...

Today is the first day of this blog's quarterly three day fundraiser. I only ask for five bucks per donor, for lots of reasons: times are tough, blog reading is optional, and I don't think people who are terrific enough to give money to a blogger should be asked for more than five dollars every three months. I ask for contributions four times a year not because it pays for anything more than toner and coffee for a week or so, but because it gives the writer in me and the reader in you a sense of mutual appreciation and exchange for value. If you have it to give, and appreciate what I do, kick five bucks in the hat. And thanks much for being here at my corner of the internet.

(The button below only allows five dollar contributions. If you want to customize your contribution use the button on the sidebar). And thanks.

1 comment:

I really look forward to hearing what you have to say. I do moderate comments, but non-spam comments will take less than 24 hours to appear... Thanks!