In 1751 Benjamin Franklin was all freaked out in Philadelphia about German immigrants:
Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our anglicizing them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs anymore than they can acquire our complexion?
Huh? Germans not white enough for you, Ben Franklin, poster boy for the Minutemen?
A little later in US History 101, we'll learn about Teddy Roosevelt, another dead white guy who worried publicly in 1903 that the progeny of dead white guys would not longer rule the world unless white guys persuaded white gals to spit out the babies like poor, southern European, (oh hell, just say it, Catholic) immigrants were. He went so far in one speech as to warn against (white) "race suicide." Yeah.

Jeepers! I had no idea that Arizona was in France. That explains why Sen. McCain is always wearing a beret! ;o)
ReplyDeleteWho was the Glenn Beck of Ben's time?
ReplyDeleteThat's right he's forgotten...
Or as a comedian named Jimmy Tingle once said, if the immigrants trying to get in were Swedish women with their tubes tied?
ReplyDeleteThe supreme court would would be at the Statue of Liberty in two hours.
"Let freedom ring!"