Okay, I don't mean to be nasty to the closest thing our generation will ever get to Eleanor Roosevelt if you don't count Oprah (just shoot me now) but The Huff's column today with advice for Senator Obama? Remind me never to read anything Arianna writes where her first word is "I", her first sentence contains the word "Aspen", or her first paragraph drops the names of six other fascinating mainstream pundits with whom she shared a panel. With this article, folks, we got a three-fer.
And her advice to Senator Obama, if generalized, tells him to stay true to the progressive netroots that has funded him thus far. Not bad advice, but when her specifics include "1) Load up your Kindle with passages from...Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King", and "2) load up your iPod with passages from your own speeches"...
Sprinkling your prose with the names of the hottest tech gadgets while advocating The Great Leap Forward is undoubtedly what passes for lively writing in certain parts of northern California, Ms. Huffington, but I think we Leftists can fight viciously on FISA and healthcare and NAFTA without going quite so latte. Hell, if Martin Luther King were alive today, he might have to chuck the non-violence and smack you until you stopped wondering "what's on his I-Phone."

I'll tell you right now, from the heart of Silicon Valley, no one talks like that here.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen a Kindle in the wild (or a single Zune for that matter - have they actually sold even one of those things?).
And no, I don't have an iPhone: I loathe AT&T and will not be locked into a contract with those muthas.
The larger point that you hit, spot-on, is that poor writing is poor writing.
Gag me with a spoon, fer sure, Arianna. Totally.
Hey, my uncle is on the phone! Hey, Uncle Mahatma!
ReplyDeleteMy family is very famous you know. Really, we're the Ghandis of the Philadelphia Gandis.
Blue Gal, I disagree with your comments on Ariana, and her post.
ReplyDeleteHer seven POINTS, speak LOUD AS ALL HAYALL to me.
And to many progressives, who feel we've been abandoned from the elim's of Kuch and Edwards.
I blame the entire Dem Party for that, including HRC, aka Shillary.
We fell for Obama, and now, he's drifting too far from the shore.
And by dawg, we'll let him KNOW it, too . . .
Ariana's 7 points are solid as hell.
And valid as as all get out.
If you choose to dog her style of messaging, I guess I can understand that, being a Com Studies and PR/Journalism Kinda Guy myself.
But I don't think that serves the mission of her 7 points she makes, and we need to hold Obama accountable.
In case you haven't noticed, not holding ELECTED officials accountable for other than blow jobs since Nixon has pretty much fucked us all.
I think, I can live with Ariana's language and sentence structure, given the shit that's at stake.
You? Ma'am?
thanks, blue. i loved it. esp the kindle, which has more probs than obama.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the hopping from bed to bed with the frequency of a cheap ham radio part?
ReplyDeleteThat was my favorite.