And while the war on right-wing fundies continues the year round, please, let us not allow the Right to define and push us into getting all anti-Jesus this time of year. It isn't necessary. As I pointed out to Agi his own wonderful self:
Just remember, for some of us lefties, Jesus is our union organizing carpenter/death penalty victim/truth to power homeboy.
Santa? Cut his balls off.

I'm about 40 votes behind in the Weblog Award voting. Time to fugeddaboudit and get the focus back on the writing. Thanks for all the love and support. I don't care what my competition says, MY BLOG has the best readers in the blogosphere.
Before I forget, even if you're not into Frank Zappa, you might be fascinated by qwerty's contribution to the festival of Zappadan: A YouTube of FZ on the Steve Allen show in 1963, portrait of the artist as a young up-and-coming square, with a tremendous amount of gumption and creativity. It's fantastic.
Thanks for the promotion, Blue Gal. Together we will decimate the forces of Santa, O'Reilly and Celine Dion!
ReplyDeleteDon't give up yet. I'm in the OR tomorrow. Lots of different computers to vote from :)
ReplyDeleteHeh... I made a couple of posts on the subject before I even found out about the blogswarm.
ReplyDeleteOK. I'll go check out the blogswarm, but first, LEAVE SANTA OUTTA THIS!
ReplyDeleteSanta, a.k.a., the real deal Saint Nicholas, was a rockin' dude, at least according to some old timey legends. A genuine give-to-the-poor kinda guy.
His visage and good deeds have been coopted by our consumerist culture, poor guy.
Real deal Saint Nicholas is off the hook.
ReplyDeleteHail Satan! Ooops. Hail Santa!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if any of y'all are Digg members, get thee to http://digg.com/political_opinion/War_on_Christmas_Blogswarm and digg it.