And of course Obama won. Even Republican pundits said so.
But the moment that struck me was when the gentlemen were comparing bracelets and trading perspectives about mothers sending sons to war. They didn't mention the women, the mothers, who have also died in Iraq.

I had an opportunity last weekend to see the actual pieces from The Mother's Day Project. No photo can do them justice. Each white strip above has the embroidered name of a fallen woman soldier. If only the military had published names of fallen civilians.
A small aside: I don't use the "C" word that Mister McCain used on his wife on at least one occasion, but if I did, I would reserve it for people who call themselves feminists and then say supporting McCain/Palin proves that. That is all.
MCSame also made it clear he thinks Iraq is Vietnam - and we can't loose this time.
ReplyDeleteA small aside: I don't use the "C" word that Mister McCain used on his wife on at least one occasion, but if I did, I would reserve it for people who call themselves feminists and then say supporting McCain/Palin proves that.
ReplyDeleteDitto. One of my good friends who has always been a staunch Democrat, who has Bush bashed with the best of them, is against the war, blah de blah blah...
is voting McCain-Palin for that very reason.
makes my head hurt.
yeah, that's 1 word i don't use. personal reasons, but anyone that is voting because palin has ovaries is an ass and no friend of the human race because this election is that important and affects everyone in the world, not just us.
ReplyDeleteI agree that looked very Senatorial. and I agree with Chris and the C word thing....
ReplyDeleteI don't use that word at all, being a feminist, and for other reasons. I appreciate the intensity of your comments Blue Gal. This is a very important election, and as Huffpo said, if Palin (and McCain, who apparently has skin cancer, and might not live two to four more years) are elected, this could well be the last free election that the U.S. has.
ReplyDeleteOld Man Mac seemed so self-satisfied that he wasn't losing his temper and throwing a fit. Just the visual made him look like the village idiot next to Obama. Maybe someone should have told him that a debate is not in fact a contest to see who can lie with the most rudeness. Or that you can't condescend from on low. "You just don't understand..." Sorry Johnny, but the evidence is against you on that one. Look around you.
ReplyDelete-Doug in Oakland
I will use the C word but rite at Palin who redefines feminism to suit her own purpose and exploits her retarded child to win an election! What's worse than the c word is all mens fav phrase twds women "psycho cunt" used when chicks find it offensive when they hang out at strip clubs etc! So if we r offended by such nonsense we must not speak out lest we be labeled "psycho cunt"
ReplyDeleteI disagree on one thing - I don't think we learned anything from the debate. We already knew Old John is stuck is a weird time warp - somewhere between 1958 and now. And we already knew Obama is bright, sharp, intelligent ...
ReplyDeleteAnd pretty please, don't do the typical Democrat thing of bringing up things not mentioned while we are midstream. I don't disagree with your thought about mothers but I've seen too many Dem candidates nicked or torpedoed by earnest and well meaning supporters. Right now we need to do one thing: Get Obama elected.
And of course Obama won. Even Republican pundits said so.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you and they are looking at. I agree with a lot of individual points, like Kelly's, but...
I just saw my first McCain add that reinforces my view that Obama lost LOTS of points due to passivity: The add rattled off several of the dozen or so instances when Obama told JMac he was "absolutely right" on different issues. Combine those lapses with the missed opportunities to call McShame out on his lack of support for troops in the field and veterans' programs (to blow a HUGE hole in his Hero myth) and the only thing missing was the golden platter with Obama's head on it.
I wish I didn't have to disagree, because McStain and Palin are both crazier than shithouse rats, but I must.
Bill Stankus: "And pretty please, don't do the typical Democrat thing of bringing up things not mentioned while we are midstream. I don't disagree with your thought about mothers but I've seen too many Dem candidates nicked or torpedoed by earnest and well meaning supporters. Right now we need to do one thing: Get Obama elected."
ReplyDeleteWTF?? Yes, by all means lets just shut up about the truth. I don't care about what the "typical Democrat thing" might be, whatever that is. I NEVER hear a damn thing about the sisters, mothers, and daughters who have died in Iraq. It's ALWAYS the sons, or the husbands, or the fathers. Not discussing it does not make it disappear and I sincerely doubt if it would affect Obama's electability on any level. Why would it be so objectionable if the candidates simply recognized the fact that some of our military personnel happen to be women?
I also don't hear enough about the military women (and Iraqi women) who have been raped and murdered by members of the US military and their deaths subsequently covered up by military brass.
It seems that there are individuals who have convinced themselves that they are Democrats or progressives, or feminists, etc., when they are anything but. Palin is the living, breathing antithesis of feminism. (For the record, I don't do the "C" word, having had it thrown in my face on a few occasions, and by a woman no less.)
And Chris, have your friend read Matt Taibbi's latest piece:
"The Scariest thing about Sarah Palin isn't how unqualified she is - it's what her Candidacy says about America"
I think it was closer to a draw, but Obama was the best rehearsed, the most presidential, and the more magnanimous.
ReplyDeleteI also agree about the c-word causes mcpain