Time for Blue Gal to go on vay-kay.
Our first guest blogger is the inimitable Captain Dyke of the Mound of Blue Dykes. As I've said many times in this space, Blue Gal just can't have too many smart lesbians at her blog. My Captain was kind enough to agree to be me keeper of the password and post-er of the guest blogs for the next ten days or so. Thanks to all who are guest blogging while I sail the St. Lawrence Seaway with Mr. Blue Gal.
YOU can thank the guest bloggers by visiting their blogs and leaving a comment or two here and there. Bloggers love comments, feedback, etc. Don't be shy, after all, when it's all about the panties, what's ta be shy about? -BG
(No animals or creative common SEOs were harmed in the making of this post)
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."--Benjamin Franklin
You know, the way things are in the United States right now, you’d think we decided to anoint a king. The Pimperor might as well be.
We let him lie to us again and again. America, you let him go to war without proper cause. You let him take food out of our children’s mouths and proper health care away for young and old alike. You let him spy on us. You let the media get away with covering up for him and not bringing out the truth in time to try and stop the stupidity.
You let the Republican Aristocracy get away with more lying and cheating than has been seen in the country ever in its history. You let the other ‘Party’ act like mewing kittens that have been kicked so many times, they automatically lay down when they see anything controversial coming. You let the corporations that take your jobs and outsource them do it without much of a whimper.
Why do I say ‘you’? Because this is America. Remember? Do you remember what America is? We’re the folks that started a revolution to get away from oppressing taxes and rule by a king and aristocracy that saw us as serfs to be tread upon and used for their own enrichment. Yet, you let King George rule us by ‘divine right’, using his God to tell us if we don’t agree with him, we are pagans and heretics that deserve the fires of hell.
You let fanatic religious leaders tell us how to think and act. You let the Freedoms of Religion and Free Speech get tossed in the trash—just so you wouldn’t have to think for yourselves. You let the concept of Civil Liberties drain down the sewers of corruption and self-serving corporations.
We’re supposed to elect our leaders by majority rule. We apparently don’t want to mess with such nonsense and we let a few key states decide who should govern us and, if someone should get to office by cheating and coercion, we just stand back and say, “Gee, how’d that happen?"
Thomas Jefferson said, "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Now, you have to remember that Jefferson was a Deist. He believed in a higher governing power than humans, but he didn’t believe in the angry, vengeful god of today’s Christianity.
Jefferson, his fellow revolutionists, their families and their ancestors had lived under the yoke of kings that believed whatever they said was from God; that whatever they did was uncondemable. They lived under an aristocratic minority that were fat and happy living off the backs of the majority.
Our founding fathers--and mothers--were all afraid that one day America would forget what they fought for and let a minority place the majority in slavery.
They were right in their fear.
Welcome ab-aaaaahhhrrrrrrdd Capn!
ReplyDeleteHah! Bet thats the 1st aahhrrr joke you've ever seen right?!
Actually, bhfrik, it is...
ReplyDeleteYe be th'first matey that dared to do that t'th' Cap'n! Have a mug o'grog on me!
Nice post, my friend... We ned remember this fear and act upon it!
ReplyDeleteAnd even "need" remember it! Drat...
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
I have to admit it, I love smart lesbians. But smart lesbian PIRATES absolutely rock.
ReplyDeleteSo does this post. Time to run more like these up the old yard arm and get the word out.
We have met the enemy and it is us? Or is it really our apathy?
ReplyDeleteArrrgh, poetryman, thank'e fer remindin' me that I be needin' t'set th'crew t'sharpin' our steel t'be ready t'set upon th'scum ruinin' this country.
ReplyDeleteA bow t' Paul-V- fer th'yarg...an' th'smile.
QuakerDave, this pirate queen be likin' a man who knows his lesbians an'knows how t'warm th'cockles o' their hearts. ;)
Apathy or laziness, Don? Methinks most people find it just too easy t'let madness reign rather than fightin' it.
What, no comment aboot me panties?! Surely, ye not be afraid of a Pirate Queen's booty? ;)
ReplyDeleteArrgh to yer fabulous panties, Captain! Blue Gal coming at you from Ottawa. Vay cay great so far. Got to the Fairmont Chateau Laurier from the airport and saw one Walmart and three Starbucks. Sigh. Looked from the shuttle like a nice demonstration going on in front of the Parliment bldg. though. The Fairmont Chateau Laurier's business class complimentary earl gray tea internet cafe on the concierge floor is almost as nice as Captain Dyke's Quarterdeck. Two words: "Complimentary Upgrade."
ReplyDeleteOh, and some other words: Marrying up has its rewards, but don't think I've forgotten I'm really a commie. But until the revolution comes, Mr. Blue Gal knows how to live. We're here for two nights before we set sail on the St. Lawrence, so I'll be back to visit. You guys all rock, takin care of me and the captain so well. Captain, well, you know. Love on ya.
Arrgh to yer fabulous panties, Captain! Blue Gal coming at you from Ottawa. Vay cay great so far. Got to the Fairmont Chateau Laurier from the airport and saw one Walmart and three Starbucks. Sigh. Looked from the shuttle like a nice demonstration going on in front of the Parliment bldg. though. The Fairmont Chateau Laurier's business class complimentary earl gray tea internet cafe on the concierge floor is almost as nice as Captain Dyke's Quarterdeck. Two words: "Complimentary Upgrade."
ReplyDeleteBut don't think I've forgotten I'm really a commie. But until the revolution comes, Mr. Blue Gal knows how to live. We're here for two nights before we set sail on the St. Lawrence, so I'll be back to visit. You guys all rock, takin care of me and the captain so well. Captain, well, you know. Love on ya.
Ahoy, Cap'n. Excellent post. America has gone to sleep. We'd rather watch American Idol than take responsibility.
ReplyDeleteOne of the reasons Visual Art is so ignored in this country is because people can easily ignore what they see when they don't recognize it as a simple picture. We succumb to sentimentality rather than rise with true sentiments. We're in a rising pile of doo-doo.
And Blue Gal, it's perfectly fine to be a Commie and like nice hotels. Remember, fine hotels are a major employer!
Blue Gal, th'Capn's quarterdeck would blush iffin it could! The Cap'n be pleased with th'passengers on yer ship; they be a fine, hearty bunch.
ReplyDeleteAhoy, DivaJood! Methinks we all be needin' boots t'rise out o'the swill that a certain party has (excuse th'French) shat out on us all.
As t'Americans bein' asleep. Can I poke 'em with me cutlass? Here, of course, is where I will be puttin' in a loud, piratical 'ARRRGH!'.
Blue Gal, you have an echo!
ReplyDeleteCap'n, have I ever told you how much I dig a lesbian in a uniform? And the eyepatch. Don't get me started.
Superb post, daaaaaaahhhrlin'.
Arrgh, those be some fine panties, my Pirate Queen - prepare to be boarded!
ReplyDeleteDoug, m'lad! Thank'e fer th'compliments! Yer words would make me twitter iffin I didn't have A.J. in me cabin (she gets a mite jealous). Th'uniform an' th'eyepatch gets those beautiful women every time! ;)
ReplyDeleteYoga Korunta, too bad I be such a blasted mean lesbian Pirate Queen or I would respond in kind an' then BG would be keelhaulin' me! ;)
Before th'evening closes its eyes on this grand blog, I must be tellin' ye one an'all what a wonderful crew BG has!
ReplyDeleteThere will be Grog an'Roast Pig 'a la Buccaneer' on th'ship when th'sun kisses th'sea fer anyone who wants t'celebrate BG's well-deserved vacation!
There are certain things I will do. But I will not talk like a pirate. Mostly because I can't.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this has been said before many times...but I'll rehash it again.
Regarding the post. We live in a culture of cynicism right now. Lots of people my age don't bother to vote because they think it's all a crock of shit anyway, so why bother?
And that's the sort of attitude that has gotten us in trouble right now. It seems to me as though after Watergate, we, as a country lost so much faith in our elected officials that suddenly everything was suspect.
And I do agree, politicians need to be kept honest and held accountable but somewhere along the line this defeatist, fatalistic POV came over many of us.
Few feel compelled to speak out. Partially it's because they're too distracted with lots of other things like TV, movies, internet, media...but part of it is that they don't have a lot of passionate opinions.
Many people believe that their work is stressful enough so they want to come home and watch mindless entertainment like American Idol and not have to entertain anything remotely serious. These are also the sort people who don't watch the news because they think it's too depressing.
Many people have a sort of "don't rock the boat" mentality. There's no fire. And without a common cause how can there be solidarity and unity.
If you want riots on the streets take away television, computer, internet connections, DVDs, cellphones and all other mindless distractions.
Here's another suggestion.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't we scrap the Electoral College? The era of representative democracy is over. We don't need an educated elite to govern us. There are many more educated people now as compared to 1787.
I have always been in favor of a Parlimentary system, because it gives creedance to third parties.
Hell hath no fury like a dyke on a rant.
ReplyDeleteAnd it twas a great one too!
* Comrade Kevin, if I give ye some crewmembers an'lots o'weapons, will ye get rid o'th' distractions--at least until 2008? I'll even use my usual, aristocratic English accent when I finalize arrangements of the same.
ReplyDeleteWe do need some commonality and fire. Will burning torches do? ;)
* Omnipotentpoobah, hell can't stop a dyke (especially a Pirate Queen) when she starts rantin' an' also be wearin' her special 'booty' panties.
Ye all can thank Blue Gal fer startin' th'rantin' an' th'wearin' o'th' panties. Pirate Queens usually don't wear such niceties...;)
If the Captain's vessel should make port in Cleveland she would find safe harbor. And I won't tell Blue Gal!