Remember Nixon's "silent majority" speech?
Good evening, my fellow Americans:
Tonight I want to talk to you on a subject of deep concern to all Americans and to many people in all parts of the world--the war in Vietnam.
I believe that one of the reasons for the deep division about Vietnam is that many Americans have lost confidence in what their Government has told them about our policy. The American people cannot and should not be asked to support a policy which involves the overriding issues of war and peace unless they know the truth about that policy.
Holy shit. A President who actually at least pretended to care that the opinion of the American people mattered. 'Course the silent majority turned on him about the war and then even more so re that second rate burglary.
But now we've got a Decider, a Leaker-in-Chief, who really does not seem to care a flippin' fig. Call Nixon a crook, a sack of horse turds, whatever you want, but he woulda peed his pants if six retired generals told him his Secretary of Defense had to go. Maybe Bush just has brass balls? Nah, the problem is much higher up than that.

Nixon was actually quite intelligent. We all know who does the thinking for Bush.
ReplyDeleteBTW, have you seen the documentary, Bush's Brain? It is truly stunning what Karl Rove is capable of doing.
The picture says it all.
ReplyDeleteI actually find myself saying things like this all the time, and it's because the one thing Bush does in fact do for the Republican party is make the other jackasses look good by comparison.
ReplyDeleteI find myself actually wondering how Reagan, Nixon, etc would be handling some of this stuff, and have decided the Bush has probably done more harm to our nation than any one president. I think most historians would agree.
Read this when you get a chance.
Yeah, I think it's really important to examine Nixon more carefully before we take away the "Worst President Ever" crown from him. Mr. Blue Gal points out that Nixon made sure that the people around him owed HIM a favor rather than the other way around. Bush's crazy loyalty to his failed staff is nothing short of psychotic, and probably indicative of some IOUs that nobody in the White House will ever talk about.
ReplyDeleteGreat Graphic Blue Gal (But then we've come to *expect* the vey best here!)
ReplyDeleteI forget who said something about: "I wonder when they realized not that they Should make this man President, but that they Could make him President."
It's when the pidgeons finally come home to roost in that empty place between Child-in-Chief's ears!
Bush's presidency reminds me of the Presidency of Warren Harding--wrought with corruption and dirty deals.
ReplyDeleteHarding was not a smart man and was a compromise candidate---nothing more than an agreement hammered out in one of those proverbial smoke-filled rooms.
He, also, was well known for his verbal gaffes. He coined the word "normalcy" by confusing it with "normality"
And yet, "normalcy" has drifted into the common vernacular.
Does that mean that in the future, we will all be saying "misunderestimate"?
The irony is that his last words were, "That's good. Read some more."
His wife was reading him flattering newspaper accounts. He then collapsed and died.