Sunday, June 18

Happy Father's Day


We're still working on the mug below, keep those ideas flowing, folks.

I don't have an "I'm the meanest Daddy" or "Who's your Daddy?" poem for you today, but I do wish all you daddies a Happy Father's Day, and a chuckle (with which most of you are familiar already) Lamentations of The Father by Ian Frazer. He read this on Prairie Home Companion a few years back, too, but I can't find the audio.

Happy Father's Day.


  1. hey, BG...


    Nice candy choice. ;>)

  2. A Happy Father's Day to Mr. Blue Gal.


  3. BG, Hon, even this ancient and impotent old goat seems to recall that it takes a Mother, to help make a guy become a Father, so I say, “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all the lovely ladies that helped Fathers become a Father”.

  4. And my best wihes to all as well.

    I couldn't have done it without my daughter.


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