Thursday, January 26

Blue Gal's one night stand...

A total of 539 people visited Blue Gal yesterday, thanks to the wonderful Mike over at Crooks and Liars.

Only two of those 539 (about one third of one percent) saw fit to comment and add a link to their own blog for Jill Carroll, though. That's pretty typical. A C&L mention is like a bad one night stand, quick and not completely satisfying but better than the alternative of blogging alone. And I still think Mike's wonderful. C&L provides so much service we should all send them chocolate chip cookies.

Anyway, welcome to my blogroll, Quaker Dave and The Platypus Pool. And thanks.


  1. Some of those folks will keep coming back for more. I remember when John Scalzi mentioned my blog in its early days. I saw about 2000 hits in three days -- and I'd been doing about 50 hits a day. Thanks to John's mention, I acquired several readers who have been in my audience ever since. So . . . hopefully a little better than a one night stand, and thank heavens, too, since it's a just cause.

  2. Blue Gal, I love you, though I don't know how to create links!

  3. "A C&L mention is like a bad one night stand, quick and not completely satisfying but better than the alternative of blogging alone."

    Very Funnie!!

    But I agree - the conversation is most important and better than blogging alone - even though it sometimes FEELs that way.

    But I am addicted to commenting (and e-mailing too.)


  4. ps.. I forgot to mention i LOVE the Dancing Banana!!! (I want one.)



I really look forward to hearing what you have to say. I do moderate comments, but non-spam comments will take less than 24 hours to appear... Thanks!